Doctrinal articles |
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| · The Post-Soviet Transition: Constitutional Structuring and Political Reality (CIS Countries Case-Study) Abramova, Marianna; Vilisov, Maksim
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| · Resolution of Legal and Political Conflicts by the Constitutional Justice of the Republic of Djibouti Abdillahi Bahdon, Mohamed
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| · The Parameter of Constitutional Regularity and the Supreme Law of the Land Acuña, Juan Manuel
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| · Constitutional Right to Sport in a Compared Perspective Canan, Felipe; Starepravo, Fernando Augusto
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| · The Water as a Transversal Theme of Action of Environmental and Sanitary Law in Brazil Neto, Nicolau Cardoso
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| · Constitutional X-Ray of Pro Persona Principle Córdova, Miguel Ángel
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| · Recall at the Subnational Level in Argentina: Regulations and Cases Eberhardt, María Laura
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| · Legal Regulation of Election Polls: Theoretical and Comparative Analysis Marshall, Pablo; Charney, John; Rosas, Nelson
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| · Judicial Discretion, Reasonableness and Judicial Review Paredes Paredes, Felipe Ignacio
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| · Education in Cuba in the Light of Fundamental Rights Pérez Véliz, Alie
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| · The Concept and Instances of General Principles of Administrative Law: Towards a Global Administrative Law Petoft, Arian
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| · Rethinking the Public Right to Information in Mexican Democratic Society Soriano Cienfuegos, Carlos
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Jurisprudence comments |
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| · Crítica a la nueva tesis aislada sobre resoluciones finales en materia antidumping en el juicio de amparo Arteaga Vázquez, Emilio
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| · La suspensión de las normas generales en las acciones de inconstitucionalidad Soberanes Díez, José María
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Legislative comments |
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| · La Costituzione dello stato di Puebla fra elementi di originalità e influenze federali Ceccherini, Eleonora
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| · Alcuni spunti di riflessione offerti dalla lettura della Costituzione dello stato di Aguascalientes Passaglia, Paolo
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| · La Costituzione di Querètaro tra diritti fondamentali e principi di costituzione economica Salerno, Marcello
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| · La costituzione dello stato di Guerrero, Messico Tarchi, Rolando
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Book reviews |
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| · Fernández Segado, Francisco, El juicio de amparo, la Constitución de Querétaro de 1917, y su influjo sobre la Constitución de la Segunda República Española Collí Ek, Víctor
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| · Ferrajoli, Luigi, Constitucionalismo más allá del Estado Molina Hernández, Mario
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| · Ramos-Kuri, Manuel (coord.), Artavia Murillo vs. Costa Rica. Análisis crítico a la Sentencia de la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos en el fallo sobre la fertilización in vitro Patiño Reyes, Alberto
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| · Santofimio Gamboa, Jaime Orlando, Acciones populares y medidas cautelares en defensa de los derechos e intereses colectivos. Un paso en la consolidación del Estado social de derecho Sanabria Rodelo, Alejandro
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