Doctrinal articles |
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| · The Argentinean Supreme Court of Justice is reinvented, presenting itself as a Constitutional Court? Bazán, Víctor
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| · Pro personae principle in Justice Administration Castilla, Karlos
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| · The power in the semi presidentialism Colliard, Jean-Claude
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| · The difference in equality: The judicial challenge for the inclusion of aboriginal communities in a multicultural world Copello Barone, Natalia Patricia
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| · Roots, actuality and perspectives of the Human Rights Inter American Jurisdiction García Ramírez, Sergio
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| · The influence of the Human Rights European Court in the exercise of the consultative function of the Human Rights Inter American Court Garro, Anamari
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| · The pending constitutional reform in children and adolescent Human Rights González Contró, Mónica
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| · The inviolability of residence in the Spanish Constitutions of XX Century Pascual López, Silvia
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Jurisprudence comments |
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| · Minimalismo judicial: ¿Cass Sunstein en la Corte Constitucional? Cajas Sarriá, Mario Alberto
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| · Democracia constitucional: el papel de la justicia electoral y el derecho de asociación política Nava Gomar, Salvador O.
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| · Derechos sociales y prohibición de regresividad: el caso ISSSTE y su voto de minoría Silva García, Fernando; Rosales Guerrero, Emmanuel
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| · Junta de Coordinación y diputados únicos: problemas de exclusión Cossío Díaz, José Ramón
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Legislative comments |
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| · Reflexiones sobre algunas innovaciones y omisiones del nuevo Código Federal de Instituciones y Procedimientos Electorales publicado en enero de 2008 de Andrea Sánchez, Francisco José
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Book reviews |
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| · War and Liberty: An American Dilemma 1790 to the Present Carbonell, Miguel
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| · La Constitución portuguesa de 1976, un estudio académico treinta años después Estrada Marún, José Antonio
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| · La Constitución inédita: Estudios ante la constitucionalización de Europa Herrera García, Alfonso
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