| Table of contents Comp. y Sist. vol.27 n.4 Ciudad de México Oct./Dec. 2023 Articles | | | | · Simulated Annealing-Based Optimization for Band Selection in Hyperspectral Image Classification Khelifa, Said; Boukhatem, Fatima
| | | | · Covid-19 Mortality Risk Prediction Model Using Machine Learning Sánchez-Gálvez, Alba Maribel; Sánchez-Gálvez, Sully; Álvarez-González, Ricardo; Rojas-Alarcon, Frida
| | | | · Towards a Standardized Evaluation of APIs Non-Functional Requirements Focused on Completeness and Soundness Qualities Alvarado-Uribe, Joanna; Barrera-Animas, Ari Y.; González-Mendoza, Miguel; García-Gamboa, Ariel Lucién; Hernández-Gress, Neil
| | | | · Design of an Automatic Tagging Algorithm for the Development of a Non-Literal Language Corpus in Spanish Ovando-Becerril, Ericka; Calvo, Hiram
| | | | · PumaMedNet-CXR: An Explainable Generative Artificial Intelligence for the Analysis and Classification of Chest X-Ray Images Minutti-Martínez, Carlos; Escalante-Ramírez, Boris; Olveres-Montiel, Jimena
| | | | · PoSLemma: How Traditional Machine Learning and Linguistics Preprocessing Aid in Machine Generated Text Detection Jiménez, Diana; Cardoso-Moreno, Marco A.; Aguilar-Canto, Fernando; Juárez-Gambino, Omar; Calvo, Hiram
| | | | · Explaining Factors of Student Attrition at Higher Education Alcauter, Iara; Martinez-Villaseñor, Lourdes; Ponce, Hiram
| | | | · Comparison of Transfer Style Using a CycleGAN Model with Data Augmentation Lugo-Torres, Gerardo; Valdez-Rodíguez, José E.; Peralta-Rodíguez, Diego A.; Calvo, Hiram
| | | | · LexAN: Lexical Association Networks Reyes-Magaña, Jorge; Sierra, Gerardo; Bel-Enguix, Gemma; Gómez-Adorno, Helena
| | | | · An FPGA Smart Camera Implementation of Segmentation Models for Drone Wildfire Imagery Garduño, Eduardo; Ciprián-Sánchez, Jorge; Vázquez-García, Valente; González-Mendoza, Miguel; Rodríguez-Hernández, Gerardo; Palacios-Rosas, Adriana; Rossi-Tisson, Lucile; Ochoa-Ruiz, Gilberto
| | | | · Deep Learning-Based Sentiment Analysis for the Prediction of Alzheimer's Drugs Mansingh, Padmini; Pattanayak, Binod Kumar; Pati, Bibudhendu
| | | | · Weighted U-NET++ and 2D-HMM Ensemble for Gastrointestinal Image Segmentation Ramírez-Sánchez, Jairo Enrique; Martínez-Barrón, Pedro A.; Medina-Aguilar, Hannia; Sánchez-Nigenda, Romeo
| | | | · A Multi-Agent System Model to Advance Artificial General Intelligencebased on Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development López-Ortega, Omar; Castro-Espinoza, Félix Agustín; Domínguez-Ramírez, Omar Arturo; López-Popa, Shani Ioana
| | | | · 3-D Interface for Humanoid Robot Operation Cruz-Silva, Jacobo E.; Montiel-Pérez, J. Yaljá; Sossa-Azuela, J. Humberto
| | | | · Multivariate Data Analysis of Consumer Behavior of Functional Products: A Neuroscience and Neuromarketing Approach to Improve Decision-Making Moreno-Escobar, Jesús Jaime; Pérez-Franco, Verónica de Jesús; Coria-Páez, Ana Lilia; Morales-Matamoros, Oswaldo; Aguilar-del-Villar, Érika Yolanda; Castillo-Pérez, Mauro Daniel
| | | | · Blood Pressure Estimation Algorithm by a Cuff-Based Monitoring Unit López-Lozada, Elizabeth; Pérez-Martínez, David; Barragán-Vázquez, Diana Patricia; Montiel-Pérez, Yaljá; Sossa-Azuela, Juan Humberto
| | | | · A Logical Deductive Approach to Analyze and Synthesize a Class of Linguistic Expressions Using Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzatto 21 Logical Names Retchkiman Königsberg, Zvi
| | | | · Math Word Problem Solving: Operator and Template Techniques with Multi-Head Attention Sarkar, Sandip; Das, Dipankar; Pakray, Partha; Pinto-Avendaño, David Eduardo
| | | | · Applying Genetic Algorithms to Validate a Conjecture in Graph Theory: The Minimum Dominating Set Problem Cervantes-Ojeda, Jorge; Gómez-Fuentes, María C.; Fresán-Figueroa, Julián A.
| | | | · Development of a Mobile Virtual Reality Application based on Morris Water Maze for the Evaluation of Spatial Memory in Human Beings Cortez Martínez, César R.; Arámburo-Lizárraga, Jesús; Cortez Álvarez, César R.; Ramírez Herrera, Mario A.; Mendoza-Magaña, María Luisa
| | | | · Systematic Literature Review on Machine Learning and its Impact on APIs Deployment Rojas Valdivia, José; Gamboa-Cruzado, Javier; Vélez de Villa, Percy de la Cruz
| | | | · Colorization of Monochrome Hyperspectral Images Vázquez-Castrejón, Martín. A.; Palillero-Sandoval, Omar; Escobedo-Alatorre, J Jesús; Márquez-Aguilar, Pedro A.; Marbán-Salgado, José A.; Zavala-De Paz, Jonny P.; Zamudio-Lara, Álvaro; Antúnez-Cerón, E. Eduardo; Castillo-Velásquez, Francisco A.; Rodriguez-Donate, Carlos
| | | | · Deep Learning-Based Classification and Segmentation of Sperm Head and Flagellum for Image-Based Flow Cytometry Hernández-Herrera, Paúl; Abonza, Víctor; Sánchez-Contreras, Jair; Darszon, Alberto; Guerrero, Adán
| | | | · Energy Efficient Virtual Machine Placement in Dynamic Cloud Milieu Using a Hybrid Metaheuristic Technique Parida, Bivasa Ranjan; Rath, Amiya Kumar; Pati, Bibudhendu; Panigrahi, Chhabi Rani; Mohapatra, Hitesh; Buyya, Rajkumar
| | | | · Flood Prediction with Optimized Attributes and Clustering Nanda, Sarmistha; Panigrahi, Chhabi Rani; Pati, Bibudhendu
| | | | · Clinical Text Mining in Spanish Enhanced by NegationDetection and Named Entity Recognition Tamayo Herrera, Antonio Jesús; Burgos, Diego A.; Gelbukh, Alexander
| | | | · Personal Statistics-Based Heart Rate Evaluation Using Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Sets Laufer, Edit
| | | | · Development of Agricultural Knowledge Graphs through the Reuse of Ontologies Pech-May, Fernando; Ríos-Toledo, Germán
| | | | · A Comprehensive Review on Automatic Text Summarization Akhmetov, Iskander; Nurlybayeva, Sabina; Ualiyeva, Irina; Pak, Alexandr; Gelbukh, Alexander
| | | | · Evaluating the Performance of Large Language Models for Spanish Language in Undergraduate Admissions Exams Miranda, Sabino; Pichardo-Lagunas, Obdulia; Martínez-Seis, Bella; Baldi, Pierre
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