Editorial |
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| · Editorial Aguilar-Meléndez, Armando; Moya-Sánchez, Eduardo Ulises
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Número temático |
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| · Extraction of the Underlying Structure of Systematic Risk from Non-Gaussian Multivariate Financial Time Series Using Independent Component Analysis: Evidence from the Mexican Stock Exchange Ladrón de Guevara Cortés, Rogelio; Torra Porras, Salvador; Monte Moreno, Enric
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| · Recognition System for Euro and Mexican Banknotes Based on Deep Learning with Real Scene Images Galeana-Pérez, Deysy; Bayro-Corrochano, Eduardo
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| · Pedestrian Detection and Tracking Using a Dynamic Vision Sensor Ruelas, Israel; Torres-Blanco, Gustavo; Ortega-Cisneros, Susana; Moya-Sánchez, E. Ulises
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| · Wind Energy Forecasting with Neural Networks: A Literature Review Manero, Jaume; Béjar, Javier; Cortés, Ulises
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| · Sensitivity Analysis of Seismic Parameters in the Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment (PSHA) for Barcelona Applying the New R-CRISIS Aguilar-Meléndez, Armando; Ordaz, Mario G.; Puente, Josep De la; Pujades, Lluis; Barbat, Alex; Rodríguez-Lozoya, Héctor E.; Monterrubio-Velasco, Marisol; Escalante Martínez, Jesús E.; Campos-Rios, Amelia
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| · Computational Modeling of the Interactions of Drugs with Human Serum Albumin (HSA) Mares-Sámano, Sergio; Garduño-Juárez, Ramón
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| · Medical Assistant: A Mobile Application for Medication Prescription Pérez-Cáceres, S.; Reyes-Ramírez, A.; Morales-Mendoza, E.; Rodríguez-Flores, C.; Morales-Ramírez, N.
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| · Indirect Monitoring Cane Sugar Crystallization via Image Fractal Analysis Campos-Dominguez, Armando; Ceballos-Ceballos, Yessica I.; Zamora-Castro, Sergio A.; Hernandez-Martinez, Eliseo; Velazquez-Camilo, Oscar
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| · Multiobjective Optimization of Chemical Processes with Complete Models using MATLAB and Aspen Plus Briones-Ramírez, Abel; Gutiérrez-Antonio, Claudia
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| · A Bibliometric Overview of University-Business Collaboration between 1980 and 2016 Olvera, Claudia; Berbegal-Mirabent, Jasmina; Merigó, José M.
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| · Kids and Parents Privacy Exposure in the Internet of Things: How to Protect Personal Information? Vallejo, Maria G.; Muñoz, Gabriela E.; Hernando Rosales, Jonathan
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Sección temática |
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| · Introduction to the Thematic Section on Computational Linguistics Gelbukh, Alexander
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| · Dialectones: Finding Statistically Significant Dialectal Boundaries Using Twitter Data Rodriguez-Diaz, Carlos A.; Jimenez, Sergio; Dueñas, George; Bonilla, Johnatan Estiven; Gelbukh, Alexander
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| · Tunisian Dialect Sentiment Analysis: A Natural Language Processing-based Approach Mulki, Hala; Haddad, Hatem; Ali, Chedi Bechikh; Babaoğlu, Ismail
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| · Experimental Research on Encoder-Decoder Architectures with Attention for Chatbots Costa-jussà, Marta R.; Nuez, Álvaro; Segura, Carlos
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| · Gender Prediction in English-Hindi Code-Mixed Social Media Content: Corpus and Baseline System Khandelwal, Ankush; Swami, Sahil; Akhtar, Syed Sarfaraz; Shrivastava, Manish
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| · A New Proposal for Evaluating Web Page Cleaning Tools Lejeune, Gaël; Zhu, Lichao
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| · Corref-PT:A Semi-Automatic Annotated Portuguese Coreference Corpus Vieira, Renata; Mendes, Amália; Quaresma, Paulo; Fonseca, Evandro; Collovini, Sandra; Antunes, Sandra
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| · Psychological Attachment Style Determination Using a Word Space Model Calvo, Hiram
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| · An Improvement in Statistical Machine Translation in Perspective of Hindi-English Cross-Lingual Information Retrieval Sharma, Vijay Kumar; Mittal, Namita
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| · Building Resources For Vietnamese Clinical Text Processing Minh, Hiep Nguyen; Thi Minh, Huyen Nguyen; The, Quyen Ngo
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| · SentiTegi: Semi-manually Created Semantic Oriented Basque Lexicon for Sentiment Analysis Alkorta, Jon; Gojenola, Koldo; Iruskieta, Mikel
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| · Semi Supervised Graph Based Keyword Extraction Using Lexical Chains and Centrality Measures Aggarwal, Ayush; Sharma, Chhavi; Jain, Minni; Jain, Amita
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| · A Flexible Stochastic Method for Solving the MAP Problem in Topic Models Vu, Tu; Bui, Xuan; Than, Khoat; Ichise, Ryutaro
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| · Construction of Paraphrase Graphs as a Means of News Clusters Extraction Yagunova, Elena; Pronoza, Ekaterina; Kochetkova, Nataliya
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| · Building an Arabic Social Corpus for Dangerous Profile Extraction on Social Networks Rekik, Amal; Ameur, Hanen; Abid, Amal; Mbarek, Atika; Kardamine, Wafa; Jamoussi, Salma; Hamadou, Abdelmajid Ben
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| · Automatic Opinion Extraction from Short Hebrew Texts Using Machine Learning Techniques Mughaz, Dror; Fuchs, Tzeviya; Bouhnik, Dan
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| · Feature Extraction for Token Based Word Alignment for Question Answering Systems Sharma, Lokesh Kumar; Mittal, Namita; Aggarwal, Anubha
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| · Towards Product Attributes Extraction in Indonesian e-Commerce Platform Rif’at, Muhammad; Mahendra, Rahmad; Budi, Indra; Wibowo, Haryo Akbarianto
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| · The Forest Lion and the Bull: Morphosyntactic Annotation of the Panchatantra Dwivedi, Puneet; Zeman, Daniel
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| · Lifelong Learning Maxent for Suggestion Classification Ngo, Thi-Lan; Vu, Tu; Takeda, Hideaki; Pham, Son Bao; Phan, Xuan Hieu
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| · Context-Free Grammars Including Left Recursion using Recursive miniKanren Niitsuma, Hirotaka
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| · Improving Coherence of Topic Based Aspect Clusters using Domain Knowledge Asnani, Kavita; Pawar, Jyoti D.
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| · Gesture Recognition System For Isolated Word Sign Language Based On key-Point Trajectory Matrix Fakhfakh, Sana; Jemaa, Yousra Ben
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Artículos regulares |
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| · Diseño e implementación de controladores inteligentes en procesadores suaves para la caminata de un robot bípedo Quiñones, Jorge A.; Montiel-Ross, Oscar; Sepúlveda, Roberto; Castillo, Oscar
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| · Priority Scheme for Enhancing the Capacity of Peer-to-Peer Networks in Mobile Environments Báez Esquivel, Edgar E.; Rivero-Angeles, Mario E.; Fernandez-Vazquez, Alfonso
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| · Cuantificación de movimientos faciales de individuos sanos usando Viola-Jones y Otsu Caldera-Miguel, Javier; Renero-Carrillo, Francisco J.
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| · Minimum Addition Chains Generation Using Evolutionary Strategies Olguín-Carbajal, Mauricio; Herrera-Lozada, Juan Carlos; Rivera-Zárate, Israel; Serrano-Talamantes, J. Felix; Cadena-Martínez, Rodrigo; Vásquez-Gómez, J. Irving
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| · Correlation between Roughness (Ra) and Fractal Dimension (D) Using Artificial Vision Systems for On-Site Inspection Ayala-Landeros, José Gabriel; Castaño-Meneses, Victor Manuel; Becerra-Rodríguez, María Blanca; Servín-Guzmán, Saulo; Román-Flores, Sonia Elizabeth; Olivares-Ramírez, Juan Manuel
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| · Un entrenador de Braille multifunción basado en sistemas embebidos, aplicaciones móviles, razonamiento basado en reglas y minería de datos para niños con discapacidad visual Robles-Bykbaev, Vladimir; Guzhñay-Lucero, Antonny; Pulla-Sánchez, Daniel; Pesántez-Avilés, Fernando; Suquilanda-Cuesta, Paola; Bernal-Merchán, Estefanía
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| · Model for Information Technology Governance (GTI) in a University Environment Cordero Guzmán, Diego; Bribiesca Correa, Graciela
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| · Árboles de clasificación vs regresión logística en el desarrollo de competencias genéricas en ingeniería Pérez-Rave, Jorge; González Echavarría, Favián
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| · Un modelo para desarrollar sistemas tipo SCADA en entornos productivos Ochoa-Hernández, José Luis; Barcelo-Valenzuela, Mario; Cirett-Galán, Federico Miguel; Luque-Morales, Ramón Alberto
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| · Tree-based Secondary Structure Interactions Predictor Method for Protein Contact Maps Quintana-Zaez, Julio C.; Molina-Ruiz, Reinaldo; Santiesteban-Toca, Cosme E.
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| · Modelado de distribución de temperatura de nanopartículas de Fe3O4 para terapia oncológica Romero Coripuna, Rosario Lissiet; Cordova Fraga, Teodoro; Basurto Islas, Gustavo; Villaseñor Mora, Carlos; Guzmán Cabrera, Rafael
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| · Experimental Results of Testing a Direct Monocular Visual Odometry Algorithm Outdoors on Flat Terrain under Severe Global Illumination Changes for Planetary Exploration Rovers Martinez, Geovanni
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| · Evaluación de la influencia de los recursos computacionales en la variabilidad y calidad de ensamblaje de novo de transcriptoma Carvajal López, Patricia; Von Borstel Luna, Fernando D.; Gutiérrez Jagüey, Joaquín; Mejía Ruiz, Humberto; Rustici, Gabriela; Romero Vivas, Eduardo
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| · Una solución de integración de un simulador implementado en software y un componente sintetizado en hardware reconfigurable para un sistema neurorregulador Sepúlveda-Torres, Robiert; Zambrano-Méndez, Leandro; Maciá-Pérez, Francisco; Sepúlveda-Lima, Roberto; Berna-Martínez, José-Vicente
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| · Functional Expansions Based Multilayer Perceptron Neural Network for Classification Task Iqbal, Umer; Ghazali, Rozaida; Mushtaq, Muhammad Faheem; Kanwal, Afshan
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