| Paleosols and ancient societies: from early humans to the Industrial Revolution
Table of contents Bol. Soc. Geol. Mex vol.74 n.3 Ciudad de México Dec. 2022 Preface | | | | · Paleosols and ancient societies: from early humans to the industrial revolution Ibarra-Arzave, María Georgina; Solleiro-Rebolledo, Elizabeth; Bronnikova, Maria
| | | Articles | | | | · Identification of materials used for earthwork construction: the semi-circular fortification rampart of Hedeby, Northern Germany Kurgaeva, Anastasiia; Khamnueva-Wendt, Svetlana; Bork, Hans-Rudolf
| | | | · Micromorphological features of medieval cultural layers formed in different environmental backgrounds Bronnikova, Maria A.; Karpova, Julia O.; Murasheva, Veronika V.; Kochkina, Anna F.; Stashenkov, Dmitry A.; Arzhantseva, Irina A.; Härke, Heinrich
| | | | · Soil-archaeological studies of Koy-Gunzhar Scythian tumuli (Kazakhstan): building materials and techniques, diagenetic transformations of buried paleosols Gavrilov, Denis A.; Bronnikova, Maria A.; Khabdulina, Maral K.; Sviridov, Alexey N.
| | | | · Comparative study of pre-Hispanic and colonial adobes in Mexico. Preliminary inferences on the effects of the granulometric distribution and used recycled materials in the state conservation of earth architecture Puy-Alquiza, María Jesús; Ordaz-Zubia, Velia Yolanda; Cruces-Cervantes, Omar; Bello-Sandoval, Antonio; Miranda-Avilés, Raúl; Salazar-Hernández, María Del Carmen; Carreño-Aguilera, Gilberto; Zanor, Gabriela A.; Li, Yanmei
| | | | · Soil modification in the manufacturing process of Mesoamerican earthen architecture Daneels, Annick; Mateu, Marta; Fernández, Hugo; Piña, Salvador; Cabadas-Báez, Héctor
| | | | · Use of sediments and soils (paleosols) in construction fills of the La Joya archaeological site, Veracruz, Mexico: micromorphological evidence García-Zeferino, Thania A.; Daneels, Annick; Díaz-Ortega, Jaime; Solleiro-Rebolledo, Elizabeth
| | | | · Late Pleistocene paleoenvironment at a Middle Stone Age archaeological site in Equatorial Guinea: a paleopedological approach Cruz-y-Cruz, Tamara; Terrazas-Mata, Alejandro; Pogosyan, Lilit; Sedov, Sergey; Pi-Puig, Teresa; Rivera-González, Iran; Menéndez-Iglesias, Beatriz; Rodríguez-Rivas, Jorge; Cabadas-Báez, Héctor
| | | | · Fire microfacies and pyroresidues tracing atmospheric electrification impacts on the Moche Valley and on the Mochica (North Peru) Courty, Marie-Agnès
| | | | · Geoarchaeological interpretations of the formation and environment of Samaca H-8, Ica Valley, south coast Peru (c. AD 900-1550) Santana Quispe, Lady; French, Charles; Beresford-Jones, David; Rengifo Chunga, Carlos Enrique
| | | | · Environmental variation in the early and middle Holocene in Tequendama and Aguazuque archaeological sites, Colombia Triana Vega, Angélica Viviana; Pérez Crespo, Víctor Adrián
| | | | · Lithodiversity and cultural use of desert varnish in the Northern Desert of Mexico Martínez-Pabello, Pável U.; Menéndez Iglesias, Beatriz; López Martínez, Rafael; Pi-Puig, Teresa; Solé, Jesús; Izaguirre Pompa, Aldo; Sedov, Sergey
| | | | · A LiDAR-based geopedologic approach to address pre-Hispanic agricultural landscapes in Northern Michoacán, West Mexico Dorison, Antoine; Siebe Grabach, Christina; Elliott, Michelle; Pereira, Gregory
| | | Regular articles | | | | · Subducted iron and glassy spherules in the upper mantle? González-Jiménez, José M.; Sergeeva, Ivanina; Kerestedjian, Thomas N.; Gervilla, Fernando
| | | | · Provenance of Upper Devonian Ilanqareh Formation (NW Iran), assessed using petrography and major element geochemistry Anjerdi, Javad; Jafarzadeh, Mahdi; Najafzadeh, Adel; Mahari, Rahim
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