| Table of contents Bol. Soc. Geol. Mex vol.73 n.3 Ciudad de México Dec. 2021 Preface | | | | · A tribute to Gérard Breton (1944-2020) Guinot, Danièle; Garassino, Alessandro; Veja, Francisco J.
| | | Articles | | | | · New report of fossil crabs (Decapoda, Brachyura) from the late Eocene of San Feliciano Hill (Orgiano, Monti Berici, Vicenza, NE Italy) Angeli, Antonio De; Garassino, Alessandro
| | | | · New nephropid lobster (Decapoda: Astacidea) from the late Campanian of California; extending the range of Pacific coastal fossil lobster occurrences Feldmann, Rodney M.; Schweitzer, Carrie E.
| | | | · New hermit crabs (Paguroidea, Anomura) from the Eocene of Huesca, Spain Ferratges, Fernando A.; Artal, Pedro; Zamora, Samuel
| | | | · First record of a homolid crab (Crustacea: Decapoda: Homoloidea) from the early Eocene of the Iberian Peninsula Ferratges, Fernando A.; Domínguez, José Luis; Ossó, Àlex
| | | | · A new spider crab (Brachyura, Epialtidae) from the Castle Hayne Limestone Formation (Eocene), North Carolina, USA Garassino, Alessandro; Pasini, Giovanni; Clements, Don
| | | | · A new deepwater lobster, Metanephrops serendipitus sp. nov. (Crustacea, Decapoda, Nephropidae), from lower Miocene of Meljski hrib (Maribor, Slovenia) Gašparič, Rok; Tshudy, Dale; Chan, Tin-Yam; Ćorić, Stjepan
| | | | · Decapod crustaceans from the lower Miocene Qom Formation of the Isfahan area, Central Iran Hyžný, Matúš; Bahrami, Ali; Yazdi, Mehdi; Torabi, Hossein
| | | | · A first notice of the goniodromitid crab from the Cenomanian (Upper Cretaceous) cold seep deposits of Hokkaido, Japan, with the redescription of Sabellidromites inflata (Collins and Karasawa, 1993) (Decapoda: Goniodromitidae) Karasawa, Hiroaki; Kano, Manabu
| | | | · Pseudonecrocarcinus eichhorni n. sp. (Brachyura, Raninoida, Paranecrocarcinidae) from the Late Cretaceous (Coniacian) of Montana (USA) Nyborg, Torrey; Garassino, Alessandro; Pasini, Gianni; Vega, Francisco J.
| | | | · A new cyclodorippid crab, Berglundus bretoni n. gen., n. sp. (Decapoda, Cyclodorippidae), from the Northeastern Pacific, USA Nyborg, Torrey; Garassino, Alessandro; Nyborg, Brant; Vega, Francisco J.
| | | | · A new genus of prosopid crabs (Decapoda: Brachyura: Dromiacea) from the Upper Jurassic of southern Germany Schweigert, Günter
| | | | · An owlfly larva preserved in Mexican amber and the Miocene record of lacewing larvae Haug, Carolin; Haug, Gideon T.; Baranov, Viktor A.; Solórzano-Kraemer, Mónica M.; Haug, Joachim T.
| | | | · First fossil Schizopteridae (Hemiptera: Heteroptera) in Miocene amber from Chiapas, Mexico Cifuentes-Ruiz, Paulina; Brailovsky, Harry; Serrano-Sánchez, María de Lourdes; Vega, Francisco J.
| | | | · First fossil record of Parasitengona (Acari: Prostigmata) from Mexican amber, with description of a new genus and species for family Johnstonianidae Thor, 1935 Rivas, Gerardo; Vega, Francisco J.
| | | | · Notes on some Late Cretaceous goniasterid starfish (Echinodermata, Asteroidea) from Belgium and Germany Jagt, John W. M.; Jagt-Yazykova, Elena A.; Bakel, Barry W. M. Van; Fraaije, René H. B.
| | | Regular articles | | | | · Prebiotic experiments simulating hydrothermal vents: Influence of olivine in the decomposition of simple carboxylic acids González-López, Lucía A.; Colín-García, María; Meléndez-López, Adriana; Cruz-Castañeda, Jorge; Negrón-Mendoza, Alicia
| | | | · Petromagnetic and acheomagnetic study of the El Cerrito de Los Agaves site in the southeastern part of the Jalisco highlands, Mexico Esparza López, Rodrigo; López-Delgado, Verónica; Cejudo, Rubén; Goguitchaichvili, Avto; Yoshida, Teruaki; Rétiz García, Mario; Rodríguez Mota†, Francisco; Cervantes-Solano, Miguel; Morales, Juan; Bautista, Francisco
| | | | · Geologic observations in the San Marcos area, Coahuila, Mexico: the case for sediment-hosted stratiform copper-silver mineralization in the Sabinas basin during the Laramide orogeny Perelló, José
| | | | · Hydrogeochemical-multivariate analysis of groundwater in the aquifer system of the middle Magdalena valley, Colombia: Regional-scale study Malagón, Juan Pablo; Piña, Adriana; Argüello, Sebastián; Donado, Leonardo David
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