| The anthropocene: Modern and fossil evidence of human influence on natural systems
Table of contents Bol. Soc. Geol. Mex vol.70 n.1 Ciudad de México Apr. 2018 Editorial | | | | · The Anthropocene: Modern and fossil evidence Correa-Metrio, Alexander; Caballero-Rodríguez, Dayenari
| | | Articles | | | | · Climate change and peopling of the Neotropics during the Pleistocene-Holocene transition Acosta, Guillermo; Beramendi, Laura E.; González, Galia; Rivera, Iran; Eudave, Itzel; Hernández, Elisa; Sánchez, Serafín; Morales, Pedro; Cienfuegos, Edith; Otero, Francisco
| | | | · Soils as a source of raw materials for ancient ceramic production in the Maya region of Mexico: Micromorphological insight Cabadas-Báez, Héctor Víctor; Sedov, Sergey; Jiménez-Álvarez, Socorro del Pilar; Leonard, Daniel; Lailson-Tinoco, Becket; García-Moll, Roberto; Ancona-Aragón, Iliana Isabel; Hernández-Velázquez, María Lizeth
| | | | · The Paleoanthropocene of the Yucatán Peninsula: palynological evidence of environmental change Islebe, Gerald A.; Torrescano-Valle, Nuria; Aragón-Moreno, Alejandro A.; Vela-Peláez, Alejandro A.; Valdez-Hernández, Mirna
| | | | · The human impact imprint on modern pollen spectra of the Maya lands Franco-Gaviria, Felipe; Caballero-Rodríguez, Dayenari; Correa-Metrio, Alexander; Pérez, Liseth; Schwalb, Antje; Cohuo, Sergio; Macario-González, Laura
| | | | · Reconstruction of past climatic events using oxygen isotopes in Washingtonia robusta growing in three anthropic oases in Baja California Sur Martínez-Ballesté, Andrea; Ezcurra, Exequiel
| | | | · Susceptibility of soil to human impact: case fo the atrazine herbicide Salazar-Ledesma, Maricarmen; Mora, Lucy; Chávez, Bruno; Gómez, Daniel; Zamora, Olivia; Prado, Blanca
| | | | · Late Holocene environmental change in Lake Boquete and its watershed: human or natural causes? Temoltzin-Loranca, Yunuén; Velez, María Isabel; Moreno, Enrique; Escobar, Jaime
| | | | · Colombian Caribbean mangrove dynamics: anthropogenic and environmental drivers Urrego, Ligia E.; Correa-Metrio, Alexander; González-Arango, Catalina
| | | | · Cultural landscape and stratigraphical evidence of the anthropocene in the Mixteca Alta región, Oaxaca Solís-Castillo, Berenice; Fernández, Gonzalo; Vázquez-Castro, Gabriel; García-Ayala, Gabriela; Bocco, Gerardo; Ortíz, Mario Arturo
| | | | · Multiproxy response to climate- and human-driven changes in a remote lake of southern Patagonia (Laguna Las Vizcachas, Argentina) during the last 1.6 kyr Quintana, Flavia A.; Maidana, Nora I.; Motta, Luciana; Massaferro, Julieta
| | | Regular articles | | | | · The rise of a novel, plankton-based marine ecosystem during the Mesozoic: a bottom-up model to explain new higher-tier invertebrate morphotypes Fraaije, René Hendricus Bartholomeus; Bakel, Barry Wilhelmus Martinus Van; Jagt, John Wilhelmus Maria; Viegas, Pedro Andrade
| | | | · A new fossiliferous site in Oaxaca (Mexico) and the suthernmost record fro Bison latifrons. Paleobiogeographic, paleoecologic and paleoenvironmental consequences Díaz-Sibaja, Roberto; Jiménez-Hidalgo, Eduardo; García-Zepeda, Ma. Luisa
| | | | · New records of Humiriaceae fossil fruits from the Oligocene and Early Miocene of the western Azuero Peninsula, Panamá Pérez-Consuegra, Nicolas; Góngora, Daniel E.; Herrera, Fabiany; Jaramillo, Carlos; Montes, Camilo; Cuervo-Gómez, Aura M.; Hendy, Austin; Machado, Alejandro; Cárdenas, Damian; Bayona, German
| | | | · Fossil concentrations of the Upper Kimmeridgian in Mazapil, Zacatecas, Mexico: Taphonomy and paleoenvironmental interpretation López-Caballero, Iriliana; Olóriz, Federico; Villaseñor, Ana Bertha
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