| Table of contents Agrociencia vol.45 n.8 Texcoco Nov./Dec. 2011 Water-soils-climate | | | | · Organic carbon content of shallow soils in pine and spruce forest located in mexican protected areas Cruz-Flores, Gerardo; Etchevers-Barra, Jorge D.
| | | | · Transference of hydrologic information through multiple linear regression, with best predictor variables selection Campos-Aranda, Daniel F.
| | | | · In vitro phosphate solubilization by a strain of Paecilomyces lilacinus (Thom) Samson Hernández-Leal, Tania I.; Carrión, Gloria; Heredia, Gabriela
| | | Crop science | | | | · Selection for seed size and its effects on seed germination and seedling vigor of sorghum mantainer lines Valadez-Gutiérrez, Juan; Mendoza-Onofre, Leopoldo E.; Castillo-González, Fernando; Córdova Téllez, Leobigildo; Mendoza-Castillo, Ma. del Carmen
| | | Applied mathematics-statistics-computer science | | | | · Finite difference solution of the Boussinesq equation with variable drainable porosity and fractal radiation boundary condition Chávez, Carlos; Fuentes, Carlos; Zavala, Manuel; Zataráin, Felipe
| | | Plant protection | | | | · Virulence and growth phenotypes variation in mutant strains of Beauveria bassiana (Bals.) Vuill. resistant to 2-deoxy-D-glucose Montesinos-Matías, Roberto; Viniegra-González, Gustavo; Alatorre-Rosas, Raquel; Gallardo-Escamilla, Francisco; Loera, Octavio
| | | Natural renewable resources | | | | · Optical properties of grapevine leaves: reflectance, transmittance, absorptance and chlorophyll concetration Cabello-Pasini, Alejandro; Macías-Carranza, Víctor
| | | | · Tolerance to drought and salinity by Cucurbita pepo var. pepo associated with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi of the sonoran desert Harris-Valle, Citlalli; Esqueda, Martín; Valenzuela-Soto, Elisa; Castellanos, Alejandro
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