| Políticas públicas, periferias urbanas y participación ciudadana
Table of contents Gest. polít. pública vol.21 n.spe Ciudad de México 2012 Articles | | | | · New Insights to Old Problems: Urban Peripheries and Social Transformation Blanco, Ismael; Fleury, Sonia; Subirats, Joan
| | | | · Urban Peripheries and the Restructuring of Spanish Urban Policies Díaz Orueta, Fernando
| | | | · Local Action in Marginalized Urban Neighborhoods of Mexico: Examining Governance Institutions Cabrero Mendoza, Enrique; Díaz Aldret, Ana
| | | | · Community Action Policies in Urban Peripheries: Problems of Transferibility Cano Hila, Ana Belén; García Cabeza, Marisol
| | | Relevant experiences | | | | · Urban Social Transformation: Community Action in the Globalised City Rebollo, Óscar
| | | | · Public Space and Citizens Participation: The Case of the Community Programme for Improvement of Neighborhoods of Mexico City Ziccardi, Alicia
| | | Dossier | | | | · Violence and Destruction in an Urban Periphery: The Case of City of Juarez, Mexico Aziz Nassif, Alberto
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