| Table of contents Rev. mex. cienc. geol vol.34 n.1 Ciudad de México Apr. 2017 Articles | | | | · Petrophysical model of the eastern flank of Valle Fertil - La huerta ranges, Argentina, from seismic and petrological data Ahumada, Ma. Florencia; Castro de Machuca, Brígida; Alvarado, Patricia; Ammirati, Jean-Baptiste; López, María Gimena
| | | | · Permineralization on dinosaur remains preserved in overflow deposit from Bajo Barreal Formation (Upper Cretaceous), central Patagonia, Argentina Casal, Gabriel A.; Nillni, Adriana M.; Valle, Mauro N.; González Svoboda, Ezequiel; Tiedemann, Celina
| | | | · Hidrogeochemical and isotropical evidences on the origin of groundwater in the río Actopan basin, state of Veracruz Pérez-Quezadas, Juan; Cortés-Silva, Alejandra; Salas-Ortega, María del Rocío; Araguás-Araguás, Luis; Morales-Puente, Pedro; Carrillo-Chávez, Alejandro
| | | | · Diet and habitat of unique individuals of Dinohippus mexicanus and Neohipparion eurystyle (Equidae) from the late Hemphillian (Hh3) of Guanajuato and Jalisco, central Mexico: stable isotope studies Pérez-Crespo, Víctor Adrián; Carranza-Castañeda, Oscar; Arroyo-Cabrales, Joaquín; Morales-Puente, Pedro; Cienfuegos-Alvarado, Edith; Otero, Francisco J.
| | | | · Laramide to Miocene syn-extensional plutonism in the Puerta del Sol area, central Sonora, Mexico González-Becuar, Elizard; Pérez-Segura, Efrén; Vega-Granillo, Ricardo; Solari, Luigi; González-León, Carlos M.; Solé, Jesús; López Martínez, Margarita
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