| Table of contents Rev. mex. cienc. geol vol.33 n.2 Ciudad de México Aug. 2016 Articles | | | | · Feeding ecology and habitat of Late Pleistocene Equus horses from west-central Mexico using carbon and oxygen isotopes variation Marin-Leyva, Alejandro H.; Arroyo-Cabrales, Joaquín; García-Zepeda, María Luisa; Ponce-Saavedra, Javier; Schaaf, Peter; Pérez-Crespo, Víctor Adrian; Morales-Puente, Pedro; Cienfuegos-Alvarado, Edith; Alberdi, María Teresa
| | | | · New age constraints on magmatism and metamorphism of the Western Sonobari Complex and their implications for an earliest Late Cretaceous orogeny on northwestern Mexico Sarmiento-Villagrana, Alicia; Vega-Granillo, Ricardo; Talavera-Mendoza, Oscar; Vidal-Solano, Jesús Roberto
| | | | · Trophic State Index estimation from remote sensing of lake Chapala, México Membrillo-Abad, Alejandra-Selene; Torres-Vera, Marco-Antonio; Alcocer, Javier; Prol-Ledesma, Rosa Ma.; Oseguera, Luis A.; Ruiz-Armenta, Juan Ramón
| | | | · Early Pliocene tracer of North Atlantic and South Pacific sea surface currents: Janthina typica (Bronn, 1860) (Mollusca: Gastropoda) Meco, Joaquin; Lomoschitz, Alejandro; Betancort, Juan-Francisco
| | | | · Interpretation of the geophysical well log from the San Lorenzo Tezonco well and its lithological correlation in the Mexico basin Lezama-Campos, José L.; Morales-Casique, Eric; Castrejón-Pineda, Ricardo; Arce, José L.; Escolero, Oscar A.
| | | | · Magnetic dating of Holcene volcanic rocks: case of the lava flows around Pátzcuaro Lake (Michoacán-Guanajuato volcanic field) García-Quintana, Alejandro; Goguitchaichvili, Avto; Morales, Juan; Cervantes-Solano, Miguel; Osorio-Ocampo, Susana; Macias, José Luis; Urrutia-Fucugauchi, Jaime
| | | | · Stratigraphic revision and structure of Sierra Plomosa, Chihuahua Barboza-Gudiño, José Rafael; Torres-Hernández, José Ramón; Villasuso-Martínez, Roberto
| | | | · Late Pleistocene (OIS 3) paleoenvironmental reconstruction for the Térapa vertebrate site, northcentral Sonora, Mexico, based on stable isotopes and autecology of ostracodes Bright, Jordon; Orem, Caitlin A.; Mead, Jim I.; Baez, Arturo
| | | | · Validation of digestion and element separation methods and a new data reduction program (IsotopeHf®) for Lu-Hf isotope dilution analysis by MC-ICP-MS González-Guzmán, Reneé; Weber, Bodo; Tazzo-Rangel, María D.; Solari, Luigi
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