| Table of contents Rev. mex. cienc. geol vol.32 n.3 Ciudad de México Dec. 2015 Editorial | | | | · Editorial Ferrari, Luca
| | | Articles | | | | · The San Mateo fault: New paleoseismological evidences of active faulting in the Acambay graben, Mexico Sunye-Puchol, Iván; Lacan, Pierre; Ortuño, María; Villamor, Pilar; Audin, Laurence; Zúñiga, Francisco Ramón; Langridge, Robert Max; Aguirre-Díaz, Gerardo de Jesús; Lawton, Timothy F.
| | | | · Depositional facies and migration of the eruptive loci for Atexcac axalapazco (central Mexico): implications for the morphology of the crater López-Rojas, Mario; Carrasco-Núñez, Gerardo
| | | | · The Difunta Correa metasedimentary sequence (NW Argentina): relict of a Neoproterozoic platform? - elemental and Sr-Nd isotope evidence Ramacciotti, Carlos; Casquet, César; Baldo, Edgardo; Galindo, Carmen
| | | | · The Choiyoi Group (lower-middle Permian) in the Cordillera Frontal of Calingasta. San Juan, Argentina: arc volcanism associated to extension Rocher, Sebastián; Vallecillo, Graciela; Castro de Machuca, Brígida; Alasino, Pablo
| | | | · Magma mixing on the Famatinian magmatic arc from northwest Argentina: Example in the Diablillos intrusive complex, southern Puna Suzaño, Néstor; Becchio, Raúl; Nieves, Alexis; Sola, Alfonso; Ortiz, Agustín
| | | | · Geochemical characteristics and tectonic significance of the Paleocene-Eocene felsic diques and dome complex of La Tesorera, Zacatecas, Mesa Central, México Tristán-González, Margarito; Aguillón-Robles, Alfredo; Barboza-Gudiño, José Rafael; Cruz-Márquez, Judith; García-Arreola, María Elena; Bellon, Hervé; Franzetti, Marcaurelio; Labarthe-Hernández, Guillermo
| | | | · Preliminary estimation of the rockfall travel distance in the sierra de La Cabrera, Madrid, Spain Paredes, Carlos; Sarro, Roberto; Ramos, Maria
| | | | · Erosion and exhumation of granitic blocks in La Pedriza del Manzanares, Spain. Historical evolution from relative dating García-Rodríguez, Manuel
| | | | · Evaluation of environmental pollution from the magnetic increase in urban dusts. A case study for the city of Mexicali, Mexico Sánchez-Duque, Alexander; Bautista, Francisco; Goguitchaichvili, Avto; Cejudo-Ruiz, Rubén; Reyes-López, Jaime Alonso; Solís-Domínguez, Fernando Amílcar; Morales-Contreras, Juan Julio
| | | | · Impact of leachate generated in the municipal landfill of Linares (Nuevo León ) on the quality of surface water and groundwater León-Gómez, Héctor de; Cruz-Vega, Carlos R.; Dávila-Pórcel, René Alberto; Velasco-Tapia, Fernando; Chapa-Guerrero, José R.
| | | | · Apatite fission-track thermochronology of Laramide plutonic rocks in northwestern Mexico: Distinguishing Basin and Range extension versus Gulf of California rifting Calmus, Thierry; Bernet, Matthias; Lugo-Zazueta, Raúl; Hardwick, Elizabeth; Mendivil-Quijada, Héctor
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