| Table of contents Rev. mex. cienc. geol vol.29 n.3 Ciudad de México Dec. 2012 Editorial Ferrari, Luca; Calmus, Thierry
| | Benthic foraminifera as bioindicators of anthropogenic impacts in two north African lagoons: a comparison with ostracod assemblages Ruiz, Francisco; González-Regalado, María Luz; Galán, Emilio; González, María Isabel; Prudencio, María Isabel; Dias, María Isabel; Abad, Manuel; Toscano, Antonio; Prenda, José; Mara García, Edith Xio
| | Corals from the Maastrichtian Ocozocoautla Formation (Chiapas, Mexico) - a closer look Löser, Hannes
| | Physical and geological description of the Nanchititla dyke swarm Chávez-Álvarez, María Jazmín; Cerca, Mariano; Ferrari, Luca
| | Seismicity patterns in the Monterrey curvature, northeastern Mexico Ramos-Zúñiga, Luis G.; Medina-Ferrusquía, Hugo C.; Montalvo-Arrieta, Juan C.
| | Geomorphometry of the main escarpment of the Gulf of California. Comparative analysis of two segments of the rift: Sierra San Pedro Mártir y Sierra Juárez, Baja California, México Díaz-Torres, J. Jesús; Fletcher, John M.; Spelz-Madero, Ronald M.; Martín-Barajas, Arturo; Suárez-Vidal, Francisco
| | Numerical reconstruction of the "Pómez Ezequiel Montes" Plinian fallout deposit: advantages in the use of numerical models for the reconstruction of fallout deposits from past eruptions Bonasia, Rosanna; Carrasco-Núñez, Gerardo; Dávila-Harris, Pablo
| | Paleomagnetism in the determination of the emplacement temperature of Panalillo Ignimbrite, Juchín, San Luis Potosí, Mexico Alva Valdivia, Luis Manuel; Torres-Hernández, José Ramón; González Rangel, José Antonio; Caballero Miranda, Cecilia Irene; Rosas Elguera, José Guadalupe; Villalobos Romero, Noemí
| | Influence of pH and alkalinity in the sorption of As and heavy metals by Fe oxi-hydroxides in skarn-type Pb-Zn-Ag tailings Méndez-Ortiz, Blanca Adriana; Carrillo-Chávez, Alejandro; Monroy-Fernández, Marcos Gustavo; Levresse, Gilles
| | The first report of "chaetetids" from the Cretaceous of North America and their palaeoecological implications Sánchez-Beristain, Francisco; García-Barrera, Pedro; Torres-Hernández, José Ramón
| | Orign and distribution of the natural radioactivity in the northern part of the Chihuahua basin, Mexico Reyes-Cortés, Manuel; Reyes-Cortés, Ignacio Alfonso; Espino Valdez, Socorro; Rentería-Villalobos, Marusia; Burillo Montúfar, Juan Carlos; Montero-Cabrera, María Elena
| | The metamorphic complexes of the Farmatinian back-arc (northwestern Argentina): geochemical and isotopic characterization of their protoliths, and geotectonic implications Larrovere, Mariano A.; Hoyos, Camilo R. de los; Grosse, Pablo
| | New productid brachiopods (Rhynchonelliformea, Strophomenata) of the Carboniferous from the Nochixtlán region, Oaxaca Torres-Martínez, Miguel A.; Sour-Tovar, Francisco
| | Estimates of geothermal reservoir fluid characteristics: GeoSys.Chem and WATCH Torres-Alvarado, Ignacio Salvador; Verma, Mahendra P.; Opondo, Kizito; Nieva, David; Haklidir, Füsun Tut; Santoyo, Edgar; Barragán, Rosa María; Arellano, Víctor
| | Oil-source correlation study of the Paleogene red beds in the Boxing sag of the Dongying depression, eastern China Wang, Ying; Liu, Luofu; Meng, Jianghui; Jiang, Zhenxue; Gao, Yongjin; Liu, Shuhui
| | A Cenomanian aipichthyoid fish (Teleostei, Acanthomorpha) from America, Zoqueichthys carolinae gen. and sp. nov. from El Chango quarry (Cintalapa Member, Sierra Madre Formation), Chiapas, Mexico Alvarado-Ortega, Jesús; Than-Marchese, Bruno Andrés
| | Late Holocene paleoecological reconstruction of the Los Petenes reserve, Yucatán Peninsula, México Gutiérrez-Ayala, Luz Verónica; Torrescano-Valle, Nuria; Islebe, Gerald Alexander
| | Enviromental change and vegetation responses during the last 17,000 years in central Mexico: The lake Zirahuén record Torres-Rodríguez, Esperanza; Lozano-García, Socorro; Figueroa-Rangel, Blanca L.; Ortega-Guerrero, Beatriz; Vázquez-Castro, Gabriel
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