| Table of contents Rev. mex. cienc. geol vol.26 n.3 Ciudad de México Dec. 2009 East-west variations in age, chemical and isotopic composition of the Laramide batholith in southern Sonora, Mexico Roldán-Quintana, Jaime; McDowell, Fred W.; Delgado-Granados, Hugo; Valencia-Moreno, Martín
| | Stratigraphic and geochemical evidence of the temporal variation of natural and anthropogenic sediments on the Guanajuato river alluvial plain Miranda-Avilés, Raúl; Puy-Alquiza, María Jesús; Caudillo-González, Martín
| | Lower Aptian shallow-water benthic foraminiferal assemblage from the Chilacachapa range in the Guerrero-Morelos Platform, south Mexico Omaña, Lourdes; Alencáster, Gloria
| | Adsorption and mineralization of atrazine and their relationship with soil parameters in the irrigation distict 063 Guasave, Sinaloa González-Márquez, Luis Carlos; Hansen, Anne M.
| | Colimaite, K3VS4 - a new potassium-vanadium sulfide mineral from the Colima volcano, State of Colima (Mexico) Ostrooumov, Mikhail; Taran, Yuri; Arellano-Jiménez, María; Ponce, Alfredo; Reyes-Gasga, José
| | Pedological diversity and the geoecological systems of Sierra de Guadalupe, central México Flores-Román, David; Vela-Correa, Gilberto; Gama-Castro, Jorge E.; Silva-Mora, Luis
| | Zonification of natural periods of surficial oscillation in Pátzcuaro city based on microtremors and paleoseismological studies Garduño-Monroy, Víctor Hugo; Chávez-Hernández, José; Aguirre-González, Jorge; Vázquez-Rosas, Ricardo; Mijares Arellano, Horacio; Israde-Alcántara, Isabel; Hernández-Madrigal, Víctor Manuel; Rodríguez-Pascua, Miguel Ángel; Pérez López, Raúl
| | Evaluation of geochemical sedimentary reference materials of the Geological Survey of Japan (GSJ) by an objective outlier rejection statistical method Pandarinath, Kailasa
| | First record of the genus Trichites (Mollusca, Bivalvia) from the Upper Jurassic (Kimmeridgian) of Santiago Coatepec, Puebla, México Alencáster, Gloria; Omaña, Lourdes; González-Arreola, Celestina; Hernández-Láscares, Delfino
| | Petrologic and geochemical evolution of the Oligocene bimodal volcanism in the San Luis Potosí volcanic field (Mexico) Rodríguez-Ríos, Rodolfo; Torres-Aguilera, Juan Manuel
| | The lower Pliocene lamniform sharks (Chondrichthyes, Galeomorphii) from the Arenas de Huelva Formation, southwestern Guadalquivir basin, Spain Mara García, Edith Xio; Telles-Antunes, Miguel; Cáceres-Balbino, Ausenda; Ruiz-Muñoz, Francisco; Civis-Llovera, Jorge
| | Sedimentological facies analysis of Cretaceous carbonate breccia-forming clasts in a platform-basin transitional setting in central Mexico Rodríguez-Hernández, Edgard; López-Doncel, Rubén; Barboza-Gudiño, José Rafael; Cruz-Márquez, Judith
| | Permiam granitic rocks in the Sierra Pinta, NW Sonora, Mexico: Subduction magmatism associated to the onset of the active continental margin of southwestern North America Arvizu, Harim E.; Iriondo, Alexander; Izaguirre, Aldo; Chávez-Cabello, Gabriel; Kamenov, George D.; Solís-Pichardo, Gabriela; Foster, David A.; Lozano-Santa Cruz, Rufino
| | Foraminiferal turnover across the Paleocene/Eocene boundary at the Zumaya section, Spain: record of a bathyal gradual mass extinction Zili, Lamia; Zaghbib-Turki, Dalila; Alegret, Laia; Arenillas, Ignacio; Molina, Eustoquio
| | Decapod crustaceans from the Paleocene of Central Texas, USA Armstrong, Adam; Nyborg, Torrey; Bishop, Gale A.; Ossó-Morales, Àlex; Vega, Francisco J.
| | Provenance of sands from Cazones, Acapulco, and Bahía Kino beaches, Mexico Armstrong-Altrin, John S.
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