| Table of contents Rev. mex. cienc. geol vol.23 n.3 Ciudad de México Jan. 2006 Articles | | | | · Análisis numérico acoplado de los desplazamientos verticales y generación de fracturas por extracción de agua subterránea en las proximidades de la Ciudad de México Aguilar-Pérez, L. Antonio; Ortega-Guerrero, M. Adrián; Lugo-Hubp, José; Ortiz-Zamora, Dalia del C
| | | | · Provenance ages of late Paleozoic sandstones (Santa Rosa Formation) from the Maya block, SE Mexico: Implications on the tectonic evolution of western Pangea Weber, Bodo; Schaaf, Peter; Valencia, Victor A; Iriondo, Alexander; Ortega-Gutiérrez, Fernando
| | | | · GIS-based evaluation of groundwater vulnerability in the Russeifa area, Jordan El-Naqa, Ali; Hammouri, Nezar; Kuisi, Mustafa
| | | | · Taxonomy, stratigraphic distribution and palaeobiogeography of the Early Cretaceous coral genus Holocystis Hannes, Löser
| | | | · Critical values for 22 discordancy test variants for outliers in normal samples up to sizes 100, and applications in science and engineering Verma, Surendra P; Quiroz-Ruiz, Alfredo
| | | Special section | | | | · Systematics and paleobiology of fossil Crustacea: Preface Vega, Francisco J
| | | | · El Espinal, a new plattenkalk facies locality from the Lower Cretaceous Sierra Madre Formation, Chiapas, southeastern Mexico Vega, Francisco J; García-Barrera, Pedro; Perrilliat, María del Carmen; Coutiño, Marco A; Marino-Pérez, Ricardo
| | | | · A new genus and species of crab from the bryozoan bioherms of the Eocene Santee Limestone; South Carolina, USA Bishop, Gale A; Palmer, Billy T
| | | | · New nephropid and glypheid lobsters from the Mesozoic of Japan Hisayoshi, Kato; Hiroaki, Karasawa
| | | | · A new member of the Family Prosopidae (Crustacea: Decapoda: Brachyura) from the Lower Cretaceous of Japan Karasawa, Hiroaki; Kato, Hisayoshi; Terabe, Kazunobu
| | | | · The genus Phlyctenodes Milne Edwards, 1862 (Crustacea: Decapoda: Xanthidae) in the Eocene of Europe Busulini, Alessandra; Tessier, Giuliano; Beschin, Claudio
| | | | · Crab carapaces preserved in nautiloid shells from the Upper Paleocene of Huesca: Pyrenees, Spain Fraaije, Rene H. B; Pennings, Henri W. J
| | | | · In situ fossil hermit crabs (Paguroidea) from northwest Europe and Russia: Preliminary data on new records Jagt, John W. M; van Bakel, Barry W. M; Fraaije, Rene H. B; Neumann, Christian
| | | | · Synopsis of Cenozoic decapod crustaceans from Belgium van Bakel, Barry W. M; Fraaije, Rene H. B; Jagt, John W. M
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