| Table of contents Acta univ vol.33 México 2023 Articles | | | | · Mathematics teaching in graphic design to learn data visualization and information design Luna-Gijón, Gerardo; Ruiz-Morales, Yaret Elsa
| | | | · Psychosocial consequences on relatives of femicide victims in Mexico Bernáldez Jaimes, Germán Benito; Rodríguez Aguilar, Brenda
| | | | · Morphological variation in highly resin-producing seeds of Pinus pseudostrobus Lindl. Muñoz Flores, Hipólito Jesús; Sáenz Reyes, J. Trinidad; Gómez Cárdenas, Martín; Hernández Ramos, Jonathan; Barrera Ramírez, Rubén
| | | | · Job satisfaction of university professors who telework during Covid-19 in Mexico Hinojosa-López, Jessica Ivonne; Salas-Rubio, María Inés; Meraz Acevedo, Griselda
| | | | · Geomorphological analysis of the Usumacinta and Grijalva sub-basins in southeastern Mexico Castillo-Cruz, Zayra Guadalupe; Medrano-Pérez, Ojilve Ramón
| | | | · Rice from the state of Morelos in Mexico, actions to position rice in the market Ireta-Paredes, Arely del Rocio
| | | | · The biological diversity of backyards: their use in food and family health in Chiapas and Tabasco, Mexico Martínez Valdés, Martin Gerardo; Sánchez Gutiérrez, Facundo; Pozo Santiago, Cesar Orlando; Ríos Rodas, Liliana; Gerónimo Torres, José del Carmen
| | | | · Nutritional assessment and in vitro fermentation of tree foliage mixtures with cassava flour on sheep diets Díaz Echeverría, Víctor Francisco; Sánchez Ramos, Abel; Albores-Moreno, Samuel; Lara Pérez, Luis Alberto; Valencia-Salazar, Sara Stephanie; Ku-Vera, Juan Carlos; Alayon-Gamboa, José Armado
| | | | · Factors related to depressive symptomatology in women of reproductive age in Chiapas, Mexico Gómez-Pérez, Maricruz; Salvatierra, Benito; Sánchez-Ramírez, Georgina; Ramírez-López, Dulce K.
| | | | · Performance and digestibility of rabbits fed diets containing different levels of Prosopis laevigata pods García-Sánchez, Andrea Alejandra; Mejía-Haro, Ignacio; Silos-Espino, Héctor; Martínez-Mireles, José Manuel; Aréchiga-Flores, Carlos Fernando; Silva-Ramos, José Manuel
| | | | · Environmental governance of solid waste management in municipalities of Oaxaca, Mexico Juárez de la Rosa, Jair Alfredo; Medina Martínez, Haidi; Taboada González, Paul; Aguilar Virgen, Quetzalli; Márquez Benavides, Liliana
| | | | · Effect of plant growth promoting bacteria (Medicago sativa L.) in two types of soil, copper, and compost Santoyo-de la Cruz, Mario Francisco; Khalil-Gardezi, Abdul; Carrillo-Castañeda, Guillermo; Ortega-Escobar, Héctor Manuel; Mancilla-Villa, Oscar Raúl; Rubiños-Panta, Juan Enrique; López-Buenfil, José Abel; Larque-Saavedra, Mario Ulises; Haro-Aguilar, Gabriel; Ali-Gamboa, Cristian Alejandro
| | | | · Resilience in the restaurant industry: indicators and strategies of the covid-19 pandemic Lámbarry-Vilchis, Fernando
| | | | · Fruit growth in three ecotypes of dry-season Spondias purpurea L. Cancino-Labra, Samuel; Alia-Tejacal, Iran; López-Martínez, Víctor; Juárez-López, Porfirio
| | | | · Strategies against climate change from a sustainability approach in the educational sector of Jalcocotán Mercado Burciaga, Ulises
| | | | · Cost and water availability in the production of the Mexican brewing industry Vásquez Galan, Belem Iliana; Martínez Sidón, Gilberto; González-Ávila, María Eugenia; Corrales C., Salvador
| | | | · Mental workload in Mexican teachers teleworking during covid-19 pandemic Godínez-Tovar, Alejandra; Pozos-Radillo, Blanca Elizabeth; Preciado-Serrano, María de Lourdes
| | | | · Proposal and validation of an instrument to measure climate behavior in universities Rodríguez Jasso, Alan Francisco; Rodríguez Jasso, Lucero de Jesús; Sánchez Limón, Mónica Lorena; Delgado Rivas, Jesús Gerardo
| | | | · The cultural code as a factor of habitability in urban social dwelling towards sustainability García Hernández, Alma Leticia; Mayorga Cervantes, Juan Raymundo; Ortega Ibarra, Carlos
| | | | · Socioenvironmental evaluation upon production units with Nunkini criollo cattle in Campeche, Mexico López Reyes, Liliana Yareni; Severino Lendechy, Víctor Hugo; Perezgrovas Garza, Raúl Andrés; Albores Moreno, Samuel; Sierra Vásquez, Ángel Carmelo; Piñeiro Vázquez, Ángel Trinidad
| | | | · Application of a sustainable destination framework to model Mexican heritage destination resilience in times of crisis Heald, Jeremy
| | | | · Experimental study of refrigerants R1234ze(E) and R516A for the replacement of R134a in a domestic refrigerator Belman-Flores, Juan Manuel; Meza Enríquez, María Fernanda; Arredondo-Gutiérrez, Uriel; Campos-Vega, Christian Arturo; Galván-Rentería, Emilio; Rodríguez-Valderrama, David
| | | | · Pesticide handling practices and perceptions of health and environmental impacts among stakeholders of the Turbio River basin, Guanajuato, México Rangel-Ortiz, Esmeralda; Landa-Cansigno, Oriana; Páramo-Vargas, Javier; Camarena-Pozos, David Alfonso
| | | | · Hospital environment, family functioning, and active coping as predictors of adherence to pharmacological treatment in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus Torres Soto, Nissa Yaing; Medina Fernández, Josué Arturo; Rojas Armadillo, María de Lourdes; Medina Fernández, Isaí Arturo; Martínez Ramírez, Beatriz; Orozco González, Claudia Nelly; Suárez Lara, Gabriela Alejandrina
| | | | · Agriculture risk facing climate change in the Cuitzeo region of the state of Michoacan, Mexico Hernández Santoyo, Agustín; Ortiz-Paniagua, Carlos Francisco; Alcaraz Vera, Jorge Víctor
| | | | · Development of user-centered rehabilitation devices for people with motor disabilities Miranda-Bañuelos, Marlon; Balderrama-Armendáriz, Cesar Omar; Maldonado-Macias, Aide Aracely; Meraz-Tena, Erika Guadalupe; Cortés-Sáenz, David; Hernández-Arellano, Juan Luis
| | | | · Design, development, and evaluation of a chatbot for hospitality services assistance in Spanish Ramirez-Villaseñor, Edgar Paul; Pérez-Espinosa, Humberto; Álvarez-Carmona, Miguel A.; Aranda, Ramón
| | | | · Exposure to tick bites in a university student community in Chihuahua, México Chavarría-Bencomo, Inés Valeria; Nevárez-Moorillón, Guadalupe Virginia; Espino-Solis, Gerardo Pavel; Garza-Hernández, Javier; Rodríguez-Alarcón, Carlos; Adame-Gallegos, Jaime Raúl
| | | | · Evaluation of diet and its CO2 emissions in Mexican population during covid-19 home confinement Kala Saldaña, Axel Roberto; Espinosa Ayala, Enrique; Baeza Jiménez, Ramiro; Márquez Molina, Ofelia
| | | | · Perception of parenting and coping style as predictors of non-suicidal self-injuries in adolescents Salazar Suárez, Olivia; Barneveld, Johannes Oudhof Van; Robles Estrada, Erika; Rodríguez Aguilar, Brenda
| | | | · Text comprehension in solving mathematical problems Gibert Delgado, Rosario del Pilar; Naranjo Vaca, Gregory Edison; Gorina Sánchez, Alexander
| | | | · A methodology from complex adaptive systems to construct networks based on organizational processes Hernández Cansino, Carmen; Carreón Vázquez, Gustavo; Urbiola Solís, Alejandra Elizabeth
| | | | · Farmers perception about risks related with irrigation residual water use in Atlixco, Puebla Téllez Pérez, Victoria; Ocampo Fletes, Ignacio; Tornero Campante, Mario Alberto; López, Pedro Antonio; Villarreal Manzo, Luis Alberto; Mendoza Hernández, José Carlos
| | | | · Technological characterization of cattle producers and their perception about embryo transfer in Guerrero, Mexico Kayser Alarcón, Yasser; Montiel Palacios, Felipe; Severino Lendechy, Víctor Hugo; Canseco Sedano, Rodolfo; Ahuja Aguirre, Concepción del Carmen; Barrientos Morales, Manuel; Molina Marcial, Obdulio
| | | | · Relation of adipokines with markers of hepatic function in gestational diabetes and normoglycemic pregnancy Saucedo, Renata; Peña-Cano, María Isabel; García, Yolanda; González Reynoso, Rebeca; Díaz-Velázquez, Mary Flor; Valencia-Ortega, Jorge
| | | | · Analyzing the effect of plant growth-promoting bacteria on the redistribution of potentially toxic elements in mine tailings Mendoza-Hernández, José Carlos; Arriola Morales, Janette; Castillo Morales, Maribel; Santamaría Juárez, Juana Deisy; Urbina Trinidad, Pamela Alejandra
| | | | · A proposal for an instrument to assess the willingness to change regarding covid-19 Limón Castillo, Cindya; Cossío Torres, Patricia Elizabeth; Padrón-Salas, Aldanely; Nieto Caraveo, Amado; Aguilera Díaz de León, Frida Hosana
| | | | · Total alpha-beta activity in water discharges from the Santa Catarina River of Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico Colmenero Sujo, Luis Humberto; Rubio Arias, Héctor Osbaldo; Ochoa Rivera, Jesús Manuel; Villalba, María de Lourdes
| | | | · Spatial behavior of coffee rust in Amatepec, Estado de México Pérez-Constantino, Aurelio; Ramírez-Dávila, José Francisco; Gutiérrez-Rodríguez, Francisco; Pérez-López, Delfina de Jesús
| | | | · Predominant factors that influence academic performance in university students in situ Ramírez Lemus, Lidia; Rodríguez Rodríguez, Carlos Alberto; Barrón-Adame, José Miguel; Cuevas Vargas, Héctor
| | | | · Consumption and main dietary sources of polyphenols in graduates of a bachelor’s degree in Nutrition from a public university in southeastern Mexico Marín-Canul, Jesús Enrique; Mut-Martín, Mirza; Espinoza-García, Astrid Selene; Pérez-Izquierdo, Odette; Ávila-Escalante, María Luisa; Góngora-Alfaro, José Luis; Aranda-González, Irma Isela
| | | | · Revealing the gender gap in STEM: experiences of women graduated from a Federal Technological Institute Hernández Herrera, Claudia Alejandra; Hernández Herrera, Mary Carmen
| | | | · Trends of bioeconomy in search for a sustainable economic model Vargas-Canales, Juan Manuel; Orozco-Cirilo, Sergio; García-Melchor, Nicasio; Medina-Cuéllar, Sergio Ernesto; Camacho-Vera, Joaquín Hutzilihuitl
| | | | · Analysis of newspaper articles on violence against women through data management strategies from information design Mata-Santel, Jaqueline; Luna-Gijón, Gerardo; Ronquillo-Bolaños, Abraham
| | | | · Decomposition of leaf litter of Ochroma pyramidale (Malvaceae) Morón-Ríos, Alejandro; Levy-Tacher, Samuel Israel
| | | | · Social valuation of coastal wetlands in northwestern Mexico Rosa-Velázquez, Mayra Isabel de la; Ruiz-Luna, Arturo
| | | | · Determinants of poultry meat supply in Mexico from 1994 to 2021: importance of technological development and feed grain prices Nochebuena Molina, Álvaro; García Salazar, José Alberto; González Estrada, Elizabeth; López Reyna, Ma. del Carmen
| | | | · Actions to promote circular economy: case study of multinational manufacturers in the automotive and fast-moving consumer goods in Mexico Arroyo, Pilar; Loza-Hernández, Lourdes
| | | | · Body condition score in Baird’s tapir (Tapirus bairdii) from camera trapping data in the Lacandon Rain Forest, Mexico Trillanes, Carlos E.; Naranjo, Eduardo J.; Ramírez-Marcial, Neptalí; Pérez-Jiménez, Juan C.; Perera-Marín, José G.; Chávez-Hernández, Carlos; Falconi-Briones, Fredy
| | | | · Detection and quantification of pesticides in Cynomys mexicanus feces from two states in northern Mexico Cano García, Arely; Cerna Chávez, Ernesto; Ceballos Ceballos, Augusto Gil; Ochoa Fuentes, Yisa María
| | | | · Development of an environmental quality index using satellite technology for sugarcane areas: the case of San Luis Potosí, México Pérez Medina, Pedro; Galindo Mendoza, María Guadalupe; Quiroz Gaspar, Ángel de Jesús
| | | | · Current situation and compliance with regulations on hazardous waste in mechanical workshops in Progreso neighborhood, Acapulco, Guerrero, Mexico García Sánchez, Silberio; Juárez-Agis, Alejandro; Maldonado Astudillo, Rayma Ireri; Olivier Salome, Branly; Zeferino Torres, Jacqueline; Torres Espino, Gloria; Rivas Gonzalez, Mayra
| | | | · Arboreal structure in primary forests of Picea martinezii T.F. Patterson López Martínez, José Israel; Treviño Garza, Eduardo Javier; Aguirre Calderón, Oscar Alberto; Mata Balderas, José Manuel
| | | | · Advantages and disadvantages of the use of Artificial Intelligence in the public policy-cycle: analysis of international cases Arguelles Toache, Eugenio
| | | | · The influence of human values on the consumption of Seco Encerado cheese from the Istmo of Tehuantepec, Oaxaca, and its meanings: the mediating effect of tangible attributes Martínez Aquino, Valeria; Hernández Montes, Arturo; Hernández Rodríguez, Blanca Elizabeth; Santos Moreno, Armando
| | | | · Autonomous learning and ICT as a foundation in a training model Saucedo Domínguez, Enrique Damián; Cardoso Espinosa, Edgar Oliver; Peinado Camacho, José de Jesús
| | | | · Contribution of investments in human resources according to the technical efficiency type of Peruvian commercial banking Castillo Inche, Lucia Karin; Tejada Portilla, Lourdes Belén; Flores Gutiérrez, José Ovidio
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