| Table of contents Rev. Int. Contam. Ambient vol.40 Ciudad de México 2024 Articles | | | | · Enhanced electrochemical treatment for the removal of metals from soils contaminated due to mining environmental liabilities Torres Zevallos, Carlos Franco; Sánchez-Ccoyllo, Odón Román; Marcelino Tarmeño, Edgar Avelino
| | | | · Ligninolytic enzyme activities of two populations of Ganoderma spp. In interaction with Tichoderma spp. Mendoza-Arceo, Andrea; Chan-Cupul, Wilberth; Osuna-Castro, Juan Alberto; Carrillo-Díaz, María Isabel
| | | | · Effect of hydraulic retention time on sulfide production with sludge from hydrothermal vent sediments and its utilization on the removal of Cu, Zn, and Al Martínez-Gutiérrez, Emir; Guerrero-Barajas, Claudia
| | | | · Experimental study on the use of plastic bottle waste in conventional concrete Huaquisto-Cáceres, Samuel; Quenta-Flores, Darwin
| | | | · Potential of the shrub Lantana camara L. (Verbenaceae) for the phytostabilization and volatilization of mercury Narváez Romero, Carlos; Kalinhoff Rojas, Carolina; Sánchez Rodríguez, Aminael
| | | | · Seasonal variation in the concentration of potentially toxic elements in fish from El Tunal river, Durango, Mexico: Possible implications for human health Velázquez-Chávez, Leticia de Jesús; Chávez-Simental, Jorge Armando; Ortiz-Sánchez, Ixchel Abby; Pámanes-Carrasco, Gerardo Antonio; Carrillo-Parra, Artemio; Pereda-Solís, Martín Emilio
| | | | · Guide for the identification and classification of chemical hazards in the workplace Guerrero-Mandujano, Andrea; Gutiérrez-Mendoza, Mireille; Tadeo-Jalife, Nahim Rafael; Sánchez-Vázquez, Juan Alfredo; Huitrón-Guzmán, Nora Alma; Real-Ornelas, Gabriel Alejandro
| | | | · Impact of land use and landscape fragmentation on water quality of the Teaone river in Ecuador Ferrer-Sánchez, Yarelys; Ramírez Castillo, Andy Jafet; Plasencia-Vázquez, Alexis Herminio; Abasolo-Pacheco, Fernando
| | | | · State legislation for single-use plastics in Mexico: Which sectors are included? Reyes Jaime, Alejandra; Aguilar Ibarra, Alonso; Anglés Hernández, Marisol; Güereca Hernández, Leonor Patricia
| | | | · Perception of agronomy students on agrochemical pollution Carrillo Quiroga, Perla
| | | | · Tetracycline resistance in Escherichia coli isolated from surface and wastewater from Tamaulipas, Mexico Ortega-Balleza, Jessica Lizbeth; Requena-Castro, Rocío; Cruz-Hernández, María Antonia; Martínez-Vázquez, Ana Verónica; Castro-Escarpulli, Graciela; Bocanegra-García, Virgilio
| | | | · How healthy are horticultural plants cultivated in urban gardens in polluted cities? The case of Mexico City Alonso Durán, Ivonne; Hernández-Álvarez, Elizabeth; Morton-Bermea, Ofelia; Castro-Larragoitia, Javier; Collazo-Ortega, Margarita
| | | | · Risk to the health of the population by inhalation of PM2.5 from the atmosphere in Mexico Flores Ortiz, Angélica; López Monroy, José; Jiménez Núñez, María de la Luz; Díaz Godoy, Raúl Venancio; Martínez Jiménez, Ana Laura; Llanes Nevárez, María de los Ángeles
| | | | · Atmospheric particulate matter deposition in herbaceous species on a university campus in Colombia Vásquez-Bedoya, Manuela; Arboleda-Restrepo, Luisa María; Posada-Bermúdez, Angélica; Giraldo, L. Alejandro; Mejía-Calderón, Valentina; Ramírez-Villa, Andrea; Jiménez-Londoño, David; Quintero-Vallejo, Estela
| | | | · Vanadium: Atmospheric exposure, health effects and normativity in Mexico Rojas-Lemus, Marcela; López-Valdez, Nelly; Bizarro-Nevares, Patricia; González-Villalva, Adriana; Fortoul, Teresa I.
| | | | · Mineralization of microalgal carbon and nitrogen in sodic soils Castro-González, Ileana; Bedolla-Rivera, Héctor Iván; Negrete-Rodríguez, María de la Luz Xochilt; Castillo, Omar S.; Álvarez-Bernal, Dioselina; Conde-Barajas, Eloy
| | | | · Cyanotoxins bioaccumulation by fish in an anthropized reservoir in central Mexico Garita-Alvarado, Carlos A.; Bermúdez-González, María Pamela; Bojorge-García, Miriam G.; Cantoral Uriza, Enrique A.
| | | | · Synthesis of activated carbons using custard apple seeds and their application in the adsorption of textile dyes Peláez Cid, Alejandra Alicia; López Hernández, Diana Laura; Gómez Merino, Esmeralda; Herrera González, Ana María
| | | | · Analysis of NOM-083-SEMARNAT-2003 and its 2021 modification project under sustainability categories. Application to three final disposal sites López-Gasca, Sergio Omar; Hernández-Berriel, María del Consuelo; Lobo-García de Cortázar, Amay; Buenrostro-Delgado, Otoniel; Mañón-Salas, María del Consuelo; Colomer-Mendoza, Francisco José
| | | | · Biofuel production from sugar cane molasses using Serratia marcescens Cisneros de la Cueva, Sergio; Álvarez Guzman, Cecilia Lizeth; Salmerón, Ivan; Pérez Vega, Samuel Bernardo; Santiago Adame, Rubén
| | | | · Regulations for wastewater discharge in Mexico: Comparison with other countries and enforcement in selected wastewater treatment plants Domínguez-Montero, Lilian Edith; Poggi-Varaldo, Héctor Mario; Cañizares-Villanueva, Rosa Olivia; Padilla Viveros, América Alejandra; Rinderknecht-Seijas, Noemi; Caffarel-Méndez, Sergio; Cruz-Burelo, Eduard de la
| | | | · Activity of cellulase and laccase from Pleurotus ostreatus by fermentation in solid media with maize (Zea mays L.) by-products Morales-Campos, Brenda Karina; Sánchez-Santillán, Paulino; Torres-Salado, Nicolás; Saavedra-Jiménez, Luis Antonio; Herrera-Pérez, Jerónimo; Ayala-Monter, Marco Antonio
| | | | · Radical ionome of Sedum praealtum by SEM-EDX microanalysis in presence of arsenic and cadmium and chelating agents’ addition Cruz-Orea, Alfredo; López-Gómez, María Fernanda; Rodríguez-Dorantes, Angélica
| | | | · Risk assessment for the consumption of the freshwater turtle Podocnemis unifilis with Hg in an indigenous population living close to mining area in the brazilian Amazon Silva, Luciano Vieira Dias da; Pereira, Simone de Fátima Pinheiro; Carneiro, Cristiane Costa; Rocha, Ronaldo Magno; Costa, Hemilton Cardoso da; Silva, Cleber Silva e; Souza, Alan Marcel Fernandes de; Silva, Thiago de Melo e
| | | | · Seasonal distribution of bacteria of fecal origin in a recreational beach of the Atlantic coast of Argentina Prario, Maria I.; Lucero, Marcelo; Saicha, Ana V.; Patat, Maria L.; Espinosa, Mónica B.; Cecchi, Federico A.
| | | | · Comparative study of bioconcentration potential and biomarkers in Biomphalaria glabrata exposed to ZnO nanoparticles and bulk ZnO Ghiglione, Ornela Paola; Martinez, María del Carmen; Verrengia Guerrero, Noemí Rosario; Cochón, Adriana Cristina
| | | | · Phytotoxicity and phytoremediation of a gasoline-contaminated soil utilizing sunflower plants assisted with native rhizosphere bacteria Almazan-Casteñada, Patsy Jackeline; Alarcón, Alejandro; García-Barradas, Óscar; Mendarte-Alquisira, Caliope; Ferrera-Cerrato, Ronald
| | | | · Potential of chitosan and activated carbon biocomposites for removing enrofloxacin and oxytetracycline from water Molina-Amaya, José Manuel; Ávila-Reyes, José Antonio; Delgado-Alvarado, Eli Amanda; González-Valdez, Laura Silvia; Torres-Ricario, Rene; Rojas-López, Marlon; Almaraz-Abarca, Norma; Gutiérrez-Velázquez, Marcela Verónica
| | | | · The toxic legacy of artisanal and informal mining: XRF and gis analysis of soil contamination by Hg, Pb and As in the Secocha annex, Camaná, Peru Vargas Fernández, Carlos Eduardo; Minaya Lizárraga, Armando Adolfo; Málaga Cornejo, Miriam Vilma María
| | | | · Anomalous manifestations of atmospheric mercury (GEM) and its relation with the geothermal activity of Pathé, state of Hidalgo (Mexico) Jiménez-Franco, Abigail; Canet, Carles; Higueras, Pablo; Pi-Puig, Teresa
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