Presentation |
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| · Presentación Guzmán, Alenka
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Articles |
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| · Money Laundering and Financial Risk Management in Latin America, with Special Reference to Mexico Zapata Sagastume, Willy; Moreno-Brid, Juan Carlos; Garry, Stefanie
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| · Review of the Convergence Hypothesis by means of Panel Cointegration: Latin America's case Rodríguez Benavides, Domingo; López-Herrera, Francisco; Mendoza González, Miguel Ángel
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| · People's Republic of China: technological learning and challenges of export led growth Rivera Ríos, Miguel Ángel
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| · Dynamic strategies of efficient cross hedging for the mexican oil market: Evidence from two GARCH multivariate models with error correction term Jesús Gutiérrez, Raúl de
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| · Dynamics of the nominal exchange rate and the IPC, 1991-2014: a specification that combines models ARFIMA and GARCH Salazar-Núñez, Héctor F.; Venegas-Martínez, Francisco
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| · Monetary policy coordination between two central banks: An analysis of game theory Limas Maldonado, Erick José
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| · Hard wheat market definition in Yaqui Valley, Mexico Garza Lagler, María Cristina; Taddei Bringas, Cristina
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