Presentación Portillo, Maricela
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Articles |
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| · Love and new technologies: Communication and conflict experiences Rodríguez Salazar, Tania; Rodríguez Morales, Zeyda
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| · Explanatory variables of videogame audience among Spaniards under 25 years of age Callejo Gallego, Manuel Javier
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| · Stigmatization and lexical use in the journalistic treatment of information about HIV/AIDS in five Mexican newspapers from 2012 to 2013 Sánchez Maldonado, Miguel; Terrón Blanco, José Luis; Lozano Rendón, José Carlos
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| · Reporting transparency, self-regulation and readers' participation:, and Ramon Vegas, Xavier; Mauri De los Ríos, Marcel; Alcalá Anguiano, Fabiola
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| · The relevance of the news in the press: A theoretical and methodological research based on the analysis of the conflict between the agricultural corporations and the government of Argentina Zunino, Esteban
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| · What happens to trust when local governments become virtual? Exploring the determining factors of trust on Chilean local e-governments Somma, Nicolás; Labarca, Claudia; Gálvez, Myrna; Godoy, Sergio
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| · Social change and agenda-setting research: Critical analysis and some ideas to study the Cuban case Gallego Ramos, José Raúl
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| · Environmental communication: conceptual approaches for an emerging field Aparicio Cid, Raquel
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| · University radio in Spain: Alternative public service communication for learning purposes Martín-Pena, Daniel; Aguaded, Ignacio
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| · The constitution of mobile phones in Argentina: Regulatory frameworks, advertising rhetoric and domestication Sandoval, Luis Ricardo
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Reviews |
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| · Ciberpolítica: Las nuevas formas de acción y comunicación políticas Caballero Álvarez, Rafael
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| · De la concentración a la convergencia: Políticas de medios en Argentina y América Latina Díaz, Cecilia Beatriz
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| · ¿Quién le teme a Facebook? Rodelo, Frida V.
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