Articles |
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| · Poverty, inequality and democratic sustainability: the short cycle of the argentinean crisis Vilas, Carlos M.
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| · Gender and power in three rural organizations in the lagunera region Martínez García, Luz Elena; Zapata Martelo, Emma; Alberti Manzanares, Pilar; Díaz Cervantes, Rufino
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| · Social inequality and neoliberal reform in health Tamez González, Silvia; Valle Arcos, Rosa Irene
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| · Measuring corruption or measuring reform? Johnston, Michael
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| · Raúl Prebisch and the deterioration of the terms of exchange Mallorquín, Carlos
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Memory |
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| · Gérard Pierre-Charles: a profile Boils, Guillermo
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Reviews and books |
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| · Partido Revolucionario Institucional: crisis y refundación Bolívar Meza, Rosendo
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| · Los empresarios organizados y el Tratado de Libre Comercio de América del Norte Alba Vega, Carlos
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| · El sector agropecuario mexicano frente al nuevo milenio Massieu Trigo, Yolanda C.
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| · Sociología y modernidad tardía: entre la tradición y los nuevos retos Arditi, Benjamín
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