Editorial |
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| · Perspectivas actuales en Educación Química: presentación de la sección Revisión Ramos Mejía, Aurora
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Reviews |
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| · What have we learned about student reasoning in chemistry? Talanquer, Vicente
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Nobel Prize |
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| · Philosophy of chemistry II. About the thinking style of chemical practices Chamizo, José Antonio
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Didactics of chemistry |
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| · The laws of thermodynamics” as a teaching tool for the conceptual teaching of thermodynamics in a general chemistry course Reyes García, Jael Lucila
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| · 3D Creator Laboratory: A proposal to teach, learn and enjoy chemical sciences with threedimensional printing Garcia Elizondo, Alberto; Ortiz Bautista, Angel Tlacaelel; Pompa Mansilla, Maura; Gimeno, Miquel; Garcia-Arrazola, Roeb
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| · Interactive molecular visualization for study situations Pereira, Andressa Ribeiro; Ferreira, Alba Denise Queiroz
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| · The effectiveness and validity of learning media based on IT for mentally disabled students in chemistry subject: review article Rokhim, Deni Ainur; Habiddin, Habiddin; Agustina, Nur Indah; Nenohai, Jacky Anggara
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| · Perception of the learning activities developed in a general chemistry course during a pandemic Maltés Pérez, Oscar Humberto; Müller Parra, Stefanny Carmen; Pastén Olivares, Margarita de Lourdes; Cortés Osorio, Joaquín; Bernal Cárdenas, Arturo Amicar; Rojas Milla, Erika Jacqueline; Vallejos Araya, Arturo Alejandro; Peralta Müller, María Alejandra; Pizarro Marín, Clotilde Aurora
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| · Use of evidence and decisions of pre-service teachers in a debate on plastics bans Salcedo-Armijo, Elena; Cano-Iglesias, María José; Blanco-López, Ángel; Franco-Mariscal, Antonio Joaquín
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| · Difficulties in causal reasoning and in the concepts used to explain the Mpemba effect Torres Merchan, Nidia Yaneth; Solbes, Jordi; Suarez Ballesteros, Camilo Arturo; Casas Hinestroza, José Luis
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| · Promoting discursive practice in chemistry teacher trainees Herrera-Melin, Ana María; Quintanilla Gatica, Mario Roberto; Zambrano Abarzua, Jecsan; Sepúlveda Pérez, María Beatriz; Iturra Toledo, Mónica
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Communications |
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| · A different approach to estimate air moisture Almanza Veloz, Víctor; García Reynoso, José Agustín
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Reflections |
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| · Green chemistry teaching in Brazil: mapping publications based on social network analysis Gaspar, Caio Sereno; Bouzon, Júlia Damazio; Brandão, Juliana Barreto; Chrispino, Alvaro
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| · Scientific divulgation in science teaching through discursive genres: teaching and research cases Maceno, Nicole Glock; Luca, Anelise Grunfeld de; Santos, Sandra Aparecida dos
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| · Towards an epistemological history of Organometallic Chemistry: philosophical interpretation from Larry Laudan (I) Cárdenas-Acero, Alexander; Mosquera, Carlos J.; Baquero, Edwin A.
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| · Emile Eugéne Burcker Wisniak, Jaime
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