Editorial |
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| · ¿Qué se necesita saber para enseñar Química? Ramos Mejía, Aurora
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Communications |
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| · Catalytic isomerization by catalyst Evonik®: A versatile example to examine concepts in heterogeneous catalysis Enciso Vargas, Julián Andrés; Miranda Muñoz, Cristian David; Ramírez Sanabria, Alfonso Enrique
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| · Didactic considerations on the adjustment of redox reactions. Description of a hybrid adjustment method Val Castillo, Otilia
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Didactics of chemistry |
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| · The audiovisual resource as a complement to experimental work in Chemistry. Creation of a collection of videos and their socialization on a free access platform Sampaolesi, Sofía; Barraqué, Facundo; Briand, Laura Estefania; Vetere, Virginia
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| · Analysis of alternative conceptions and learning of pH with a STEM practice implemented through inquiry Esteban Gallego, Rocío; Marcos-Merino, José María; Gómez Ochoa de Alda, Jesús
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| · Biodiesel production as a model of approach to natural sciences Rodríguez, María Daniela; Espinosa, Teresa Genara; Gallará, Belén; Oneto, María Eugenia; Fernández Erbes, Loreley; Krieger, Andrea Elizabeth; Miguel, Nicolás; Morel, Camila; Zapata, Pedro Darío
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| · Experimental design with a green approach in the Kröhnke reaction for the synthesis of terpyridines Fajardo Perafan, Daniel Alexander; Arteaga, Danny; Lenis Velasquez, Luis Alberto
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Educational research |
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| · Promoting and identifying the moral sensitivity of chemistry undergraduates Silva, Guilherme Balestiero da; Queiroz, Salete Linhares
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| · A training action for chemistry and science teachers: contribution of problem-solving activities to inclusive education Lima, Franciane Silva Cruz de; Passos, Camila Greff
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| · Emerging representations in the teaching discourse from the history of chemistry in teaching Cuellar Fernández, Luigi; Quintanilla, Mario
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| · Approach of chemical bonding in textbooks in Argentina Flores Córdoba, María José; Rudolph, Carina Alejandra; Maturano, Carla Inés
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| · The RUBIQUIM cube as a tool in based learning in games for teaching inorganic chemical nomenclature of binary salts Vargas-Rodríguez, Yolanda Marina; Obaya-Valdivia, Adolfo Eduardo; Sosa, Plinio; Rivero-Gómez, Diana Elizabeth; Lima-Vargas, Suemi
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| · Molecular interpretation of the hydrogen bonding in the water: conceptual difficulties by university students Pinto Cañón, Gabriel
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Reflections |
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| · ¿Lúdico para quién? Relaciones de poder social y posibilidades de aprendizaje en fuerzas intermoleculares y derechos humanos en el juego de reglas de la modernidad Silva, Kleber Francisco da; Oliveira, Roberto Dalmo Varallo Lima de; Soares, Márlon Herbert Flora Barbosa
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| · Pierre Oscar Figuier Wisniak, Jaime
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