Editorial |
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| · Editorial Ramos Mejía, Aurora
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In memoriam |
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| · A Gisela Hernández Millán con cariño y admiración
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Didactics of chemistry |
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| · Comics in learning infrared spectroscopy Castillo-Granada, Alberta Lourdes; Ríos-Calderón, Oscar Saúl; Soto-Páez, Rodrigo; Benítez-Escamilla, Teresa; Contreras-Cruz, David Atahualpa
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| · Inquiry about the degradation of plastics with high school students López-Fernández, María del Mar; Franco-Mariscal, Antonio Joaquín
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| · The portable laboratory: an effective tool for chemistry teaching in rural locations Vizcarra Sánchez, Yanira Aracely; Vizcarra Gavilán, Arturo Manuel
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Educational research |
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| · The Effectiveness of the "EMBE-R" Learning Strategy in Preventing Student's Misconception in Chemical Equilibrium Jusnar, Jusniar; Effendy, Effendy; Budiasih, Endang; Sutrisno, Sutrisno
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| · Why do the reactions stop? Design experiments to investigate enzyme-substrate interaction Varela Caamiña, María Peregrina; Blanco Anaya, Paloma; Díaz de Bustamante, Joaquín
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| · Methodological aspects in the teaching of chemistry: scientometric analysis Bilar, Jéssica de Góes; Coutinho, Renato Xavier
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| · Chemistry exam in the university access over 25's Sáez Bondía, Maria José
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| · The caractheristics of teachers explanations in university classes of chemistry Sánchez, Germán Hugo; Quintero, Teresa; Lorenzo, María Gabriela
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| · An overview about chemistry learning in Amazon region Silva, Mayda Freitas da; Yamaguchi, Klenicy Kazumy de Lima
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| · Epistemological aspects in the formation of chemistry teachers Fröhlich, Aléxia Birck; Leite, Fabiane de Andrade
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Reflections |
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| · Does taper water boil at all temperatures? Andrade-Gamboa, Julio; Donati, Edgardo R.
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| · Green chemistry applied to university waste Murcia Fandiño, Jonathan Steven; Esquiaqui Marín, Luis Alfonso
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| · Victor-Auguste Jacquelain Wisniak, Jaime
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