| Table of contents Rev. fitotec. mex vol.43 n.4 Chapingo Oct./Dec. 2020 Scientific articles | | | | · Morphological and agronomic diversity of maize native to the high plateau of Tamaulipas, Mexico González-Martínez, Javier; Rocandio-Rodríguez, Mario; Contreras-Toledo, Aremi R.; Joaquín-Cancino, Santiago; Vanoye-Eligio, Venancio; Chacón-Hernández, Julio C.; Hernández-Bautista, Aurelio
| | | | · Wheat, maize and safflower rotation in conservation tillage vs. traditional tillage Borbón-Gracia, Alberto; Lugo-García, Gabriel A.; Reyes-Olivas, Álvaro; Valenzuela-Herrera, Víctor; Sauceda-Acosta, Carlos P.
| | | | · Production and dry matter accumulation in strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa Duch.) on substrates treated with metam sodium or mycorrhiza López-García, Reyes; Calderón-Zavala, Guillermo; Alvarado-Raya, Horacio Eliseo; Jaen-Contreras, David; Vaquera-Huerta, Humberto
| | | | · Ecological niche of semidomesticated populations of Capsicum pubescens Ruiz & Pav. based on accessions from Veracruz, Mexico Serna-Lagunes, Ricardo; Andrés-Meza, Pablo; Leyva-Ovalle, Otto R.; Rosario-Arellano, José L. Del; Merino-Valdes, Miguel; Murguía-González, Joaquín; Galindo-Tovar, María Elena; Mejía-Carranza, Jaime; Sierra-Macías, Mauro; Espinosa-Calderón, Alejandro; Tadeo-Robledo, Margarita; Rosario-Arellano, Juan Del
| | | | · Estimation of the vegetation coverage fraction in corn (Zea mays) through digital images taken by an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) García-Martínez, Héctor; Flores-Magdaleno, Héctor; Khalil-Gardezi, Abdul; Ascencio-Hernández, Roberto; Tijerina-Chávez, Leonardo; Vázquez-Peña, Mario A.; Mancilla-Villa, Oscar R.
| | | | · Spatial modeling of the Oligonychus perseae (tuttle, baker and abatiello, 1976) populations in the State of Mexico Lara-Diaz, Ana V.; Ramírez-Dávila, José F.; Maldonado-Zamora,, Fatima I.; Rivera-Martínez, Roberto; Acosta-Guadarrama, Agustín D.; Lara-Vázquez, Fidel
| | | | · Productive flows determine the frosty pod rot epidemic structure of cacao in southeastern Mexico Torres-de la Cruz, Magdiel; Mora-Aguilera, Gustavo; Ortiz-García, Carlos F.; Cruz-Pérez, Aracely de la; Gaspar-Génico, J. Ángel
| | | | · Identification of Xylella fastidiosa subsp. fastidiosa in cultivated and wild plants in parras, Coahuila, Mexico Moya-Hernández, Sandra L.; Hernández-Anguiano, Ana M.; López-Buenfil, J. Abel; Aranda-Ocampo, Sergio; Aguilar-Granados, Andrés
| | | | · Evaluation of starch as an edible coating on phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity in guanabana (Anonna muricata L.) fruits Santos-Santos, Miguel A. De los; Jiménez-Zurita, José O.; Balois-Morales, Rosendo; Alia-Tejacal, Irán
| | | | · Antioxidant capacity and phenolic content of bee honey produced in Zacatecas, Mexico Contreras-Martínez, Cristina S.; Macías-Nieves, Juan P.; García-González, J. Manuel; Trejo-Guardado, Verónica I.; Carranza-Concha, José
| | | | · Dynamic equations of growth in dominant height and site index for Pinus patula Schiede ex Schltdl. & Cham. Nava-Nava, Adan; Santiago-García, Wenceslao; Rodríguez-Ortiz, Gerardo; Santos-Posadas, Héctor M. De los; Ruiz-Aquino, Faustino; Santiago-García, Elías; Suárez-Mota, Mario E.
| | | Scientific notes | | | | · Diversity and conservation of local maize from la Frailesca, Chiapas, Mexico Hernández-Ramos, Manuel A.; Guevara-Hernández, Francisco; Basterrechea-Bermejo, José Luis; Coutiño-Estrada, Bulmaro; O-Arias, Manuel A. La; Pinto-Ruiz, René
| | | New varieties | | | | · Noreste F2018: a new bread wheat cultivar for irrigated areas in Mexico Villaseñor-Mir, Héctor Eduardo; Huerta-Espino, Julio; Hortelano-Santa Rosa, René; Martínez-Cruz, Eliel; Rodríguez-García, María F.; Solís-Moya, Ernesto; Borbón-Gracia, Alberto; Alvarado-Padilla, Jorge Iván; Chávez-Villalba, Gabriela; Cortinas-Escobar, Héctor; Cuellar-Villareal, Eutimio; Osorio-Alcalá, Leodegario; Espitia-Rangel, Eduardo
| | | | · Beatriz, a Mexican poinsettia variety for indoors García-Pérez, Faustino; Canul-Ku, Jaime; Rangel-Estrada, Sandra E.; Barrios-Gómez, Edwin J.; Portas-Fernández, Blanca
| | | | · A poinsettia variety for indoor spaces called Alhely Canul-Ku, Jaime; García-Pérez, Faustino; Barrios-Gómez, Edwin J.; Rangel-Estrada, Sandra E.
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