| Table of contents Act. Bot. Mex n.89 Pátzcuaro Oct. 2009 Comparative anatomy of the leaf blade of Distichlis (Poaceae) López Soto, María Martina; Koch, Stephen D.; Flores-Cruz, María; Engleman, E. Mark
| | Adittions to the genus Inga (Ingeae, Mimosoideae, Leguminosae) for the Flora Mesoamericana Sousa S., Mario
| | New combinations in Mexican Monocotyledons IV (Bromeliaceae, Orchidaceae) López-Ferrari, Ana Rosa; Espejo-Serna, Adolfo
| | Efficient induction of adventitious shoots in cotyledons of Pinus maximartinezii Rzedowski Robledo Paz, Alejandrina; Villalobos Arámbula, Víctor Manuel; Santacruz Varela, Amalio
| | Effect of arbuscular mycorrhiza in the growth, photosynthesis and foliar anatomy on young plants of Agave tequilana Pimienta-Barrios, Eulogio; Zañudo-Hernández, Julia; López-Alcocer, Eduardo
| | A new species of Oxalis L. (Sección Ionoxalis Small, Oxalidaceae) from northern Michoacan, Mexico Pérez-Calix, Emmanuel
| | Floristic study of the pinion pine communities of Pinus pinceana Gordon Villarreal Quintanilla, José Ángel; Mares Arreola, Oscar; Cornejo Oviedo, Eladio; Capó Arteaga, Miguel A.
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