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Atmósfera vol.38  Ciudad de México  2024

 ·  Development and evaluation of a bulk three-moment parameterization scheme incorporating the processes of sedimentation and collision-coalescence
Donet, Lainer; Alfonso, Lester

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 ·  Drought Potential in Borneo Based on the RCP 4.5 Scenario
Nurlatifah, Amalia; ´Adany, Fildzah; Darojatun, Aulia; Siswanto, Bambang; Sipayung, Sinta Berliana

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 ·  Occurrence and characteristics of snowfall on the highest mountain of Mexico (Citlaltépetl volcano) through the ground’s surface temperature
Soto, Víctor; Delgado-Granados, Hugo

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 ·  Dense fog simulation in southern Brazil using the WRF model with high spatial resolution
Cardoso, Judith Rodrigues; Marton, Edilson; Pinheiro, Flávia Rodrigues; Cossich, William; Moraes, Nilton Oliveira

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 ·  Modeling tropical storm Elsa: Flood map simulation using multisensory precipitation in Connecticut
Stella, Juan M.

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 ·  Evaluation of the SACZ index as a prognostic tool based on GFS forecasts
Aguiar, Louise da Fonseca; Cataldi, Marcio; Marton, Edilson; Ribeiro, Eric Miguel; Luz, Priscila da Cunha

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 ·  Structural change points of NDVI in Mexico driven by climate oscillations
Díaz, Oscar O.; Raga, Graciela B.; Quintanar, Arturo I.; Mejía, John F.

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 ·  Subsurface temperature change attributed to climate change at the northern latitude site of Kapuskasing, Canada
Novara, Ivan L.; Berdichevsky, Daniel B.; Piacentini, Rubén D.

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 ·  El Niño-Southern Oscillation diversity and its relationship with the North Atlantic Oscillation - Atmospheric anomalies response over the North Atlantic and the Pacific
Gutiérrez-Cárdenas, Gabriel Santiago; Díaz, Diana Cristina

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 ·  Satellite data geoprocessing to estimate PM2.5 over the Megalopolis of Central Mexico
Mora-Ramírez, Marco Antonio; Martínez-Luna, Edgar; Cruz-Núñez, Xochitl

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 ·  Distribution changes of the toxic mushroom Amanita phalloides under climate change scenarios and its potential risk over indigenous communities in Mexico
Villagrán-Vázquez, Abril; Garibay-Orijel, Roberto; Ureta, Carolina

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 ·  Urban atmospheric humidity excesses and deficits in two Mexican metropolises: Guadalajara and Puebla
Tejeda-Martínez, Adalberto; Balderas-Romero, Gabriel; Moreyra-González, Luz Elena; Castro-Díaz, J. Omar

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 ·  Performance evaluation of the WRF model under different physical schemes for air quality purposes in Buenos Aires, Argentina
Luque, Solange E.; Fita, Lluís; Pineda Rojas, Andrea L.

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 ·  Atlantic and Pacific sea surface temperature correlations with precipitation over northern Mexico
Mijares-Fajardo, Regina; Lobato-Sánchez, René; Patiño-Gómez, Carlos; Guevara-Polo, David Eduardo

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 ·  Using a hybrid approach for wind power forecasting in Northwestern Mexico
Díaz-Esteban, Yanet; López-Villalobos, Carlos Alberto; Ochoa Moya, Carlos Abraham; Romero-Centeno, Rosario; Quintanar, Ignacio Arturo

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 ·  Development of a CFD model to simulate the dispersion of atmospheric NH3 in a semi-open barn
Torre-Gea, Guillermo Alfonso de la

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 ·  Exploring the academic perceptions of climate engineering in developing countries
Hussain, Athar; Sipra, Hassaan F. K.; Waheed, Abdul; Ukhurebor, Kingsley E.

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 ·  Variability, cycles, and trends of mean air temperature north of Colombia
Manrique-Cantillo, Andrea Patricia; Morales-Acuña, Enrique de Jesús; Linero-Cueto, Jean Rogelio

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 ·  Solar PV technologies selection for the design of photovoltaic installations in Mexico based on the analysis of meteorological satellite data from the region
Miranda-Jiménez, Ricardo; Vigil-Galán, Osvaldo; González-Castillo, Jesús Roberto; Terán-Cuevas, Ángel Refugio; Gutiérrez-Castillo, María Eugenia; Tovar-Gálvez, Luis Raúl

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 ·  Quantifying of surface urban heat island intensity in Isfahan metropolis using MODIS\Terra\LST data
Montazeri, Majid; Abolfazl Masoodian, Seyed

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 ·  Carbonaceous particles and PM2.5 optical properties in Mexico City during the ACU15 campaign
Santiago-de la Rosa, Naxieli; Prieto, Cristina; Pavia, Rubén; Peralta, Óscar; Álvarez-Ospina, Harry; Saavedra, Isabel; Castro, Telma; García, Rocío; Espinosa, María de la Luz; Ortínez-Álvarez, Abraham; Ruiz-Suárez, Gerardo; Martínez-Arroyo, Amparo

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 ·  Trend analysis and forecast of annual precipitation and temperature series in the Eastern Mediterranean region
Sakalis, Vasileios D.

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 ·  Small-scale variation of atmospheric dynamics applying chaos theory, case study
Haro Velasteguí, Arquímides; Lara Sinaluisa, Jorge; Perugachi Cahueñas, Nelly; Martínez Nogales, Juan

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 ·  Observed interannual variability and projected scenarios of drought in the Chorotega region, Costa Rica
Ríos-Solano, Melissa; Durán-Quesada, A. M.; Birkel, C.; Hidalgo, H. G.; Cabos, W.; Sein, D.V.

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 ·  Comparison of COSMO and ICON-LAM high-resolution numerical forecast for Romanian territory: Case studies and evaluation
Iriza-Burcă, Amalia; Dumitrache, Rodica C.; Maco, Bogdan A.; Huştiu, Mihăiţă; Fundel, Felix; Rieger, Daniel; Potthast, Roland

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 ·  Studies on airborne microbiota in Mexico, a review
Álvarez-Rivera, Óscar Omar; Estrada-Medina, Héctor; Ferrer, Miriam Monserrat; O’connor-Sánchez, Aileen

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 ·  Simulation and synoptic investigation of a severe dust storm originated from the Urmia Lake in the Middle East
Hossein Hamzeh, Nasim; Ranjbar Saadat Abadi, Abbas; Abdukhakimovich Shukurov, Karim; Mhawish, Alaa; Alam, Khan; Opp, Christian

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 ·  Chemical composition and trajectories of atmospheric particles at the Machu Picchu Peruvian Antarctic scientific station (62.09º S, 58.47º W)
Álvarez-Tolentino, Daniel; Suárez-Salas, Luis; Pomalaya-Valdez, José; Barja, Boris

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 ·  Comparison of different drought monitoring indices in different climatic conditions in Iran
Rahnama, Samira; Shahidi, Ali; Yaghoobzadeh, Mostafa; Mehran, Ali Akbar

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 ·  Population growth in Mexico and its impact on mitigation components of nationally determined contributions
Sandoval García, Edgar Roberto; Matsumoto Kuwabara, Yasuhiro

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 ·  Maximum daily precipitation in Iran (1979-2018)
Poorkarim, Roya; Asakereh, Hossein; Martín-Vide, Javier

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 ·  Enhancing geostatistical precipitation estimations for the Santiago River basin, Mexico
Ávila-Carrasco, José Roberto; Júnez-Ferreira, Hugo Enrique; Herrera, Graciela del Socorro

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 ·  Lightning-rainfall relationship in El Niño and La Niña events during the Indian summer monsoon over central India
Tinmaker, Mohommad Iqbal Rasul; Shareef, Mohommad Aslam

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 ·  An index for precipitation on the north coast of Peru using logistic regression
Rivas Quispe, Piero Rodrigo; Anderson-Frey, Alexandra; Mcmurdie, Lynn A.

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 ·  Prediction of hydrological drought by the Standardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index in Chihuahua, Mexico, using machine learning algorithms
Melchor Varela, Javier Alejandro; Ramírez Hernández, Joseph Isaac

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 ·  The effects of climate warming on large-scale atmospheric systems of the Northern Hemisphere
Mahavarpour, Zahra; Khoshhal Dastjerdi, Javad; Masoudian, Seyed Abolfazl; Nasresfahani, Mohammad Ali

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 ·  Assessment of organic contaminants at a paint manufacturing site: Implications for health risks and source identification
Khedidji, Sidali; Balducci, Catia; Rabhi, Lyes; Cecinato, Angelo; Ladji, Riad; Yassaa, Noureddine

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 ·  Orinoco revisited: Comprehensive analysis of the Orinoco River basin present and future hydroclimate
Builes-Jaramillo, Alejandro; Salas, Hernán D.; Valencia, Juliana; Florian, Carolina

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 ·  Influence of teleconnections on observations and projections of hydroclimatic extremes caused by tropical cyclones in the arid climate of Baja California Sur
Bello-Jiménez, Brenda Liliana; Raga, Graciela B.; Wurl, Jobst

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 ·  Spatiotemporal analysis of different vegetation indices and relation to meteorological parameters over a tropical urban location and its surroundings
De, Arijit; Sahani, Nemai; Datta, Abhirup; Maitra, Animesh

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 ·  Monitoring of construction dust and assessment of probable increment in mortality risks for exposed construction workers at Kolkata, India
Sarkar, Arup; Thakur, Biswajit; Gupta, Anirban

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 ·  Simulation of the Planetary Boundary Layer characteristics and its relation to air quality in the Metropolitan Area of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Silveira, Wilson William da; Carvalho, Vanessa Silveira Barreto; Freitas, Aline Araújo de; Reboita, Michelle Simões; Albuquerque, Taciana Toledo de Almeida

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 ·  Synoptic climatology associated with heavy rainfall events in the Itajaí Valley region, Brazil
Escobar, Gustavo Carlos Juan; Rosa, Marcelo Barbio

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 ·  Why did numerical weather forecasting systems fail to predict the Hurricane Otis’s development?
Guillermo-Montiel, Juan Carlos; Martínez-López, Benjamín; Ochoa-Moya, Carlos Abraham; Quintanar, Ignacio Arturo; Cabos-Narváez, William David

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 ·  Indoor dust composition of university laboratories and potential health risks in Pahang, Malaysia
Sulaiman, Fazrul Razman; Roslin, Tuan Nur Haziqah Tuan; Sulaiman, Noorzamzarina; Ismail, Ismaniza

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 ·  Severe winter conditions in the Citlaltepetl-Cofre de Perote mountain range, 2021-2022
Soto, Víctor; Travieso-Bello, Ana C.; Soto-Gómez, Nadia L.; Welsh-Rodríguez, Carlos M.

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 ·  Chemical and isotopic composition of rainwater in the eastern Yucatan peninsula, Mexico
Ortega-Camacho, Daniela; González-Ríos, Sofía; Córdoba-Benavides, Fernanda; Ladino, Luis; Cejudo, Eduardo

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