| Tabla de contenido Atmósfera vol.16 no.2 Ciudad de México abr. 2003 Diagnostic study on the relation between ozone and potential vorticity Abdel Basset, H.; Gahein, A.
| | On the structure of atmospheric waves in middle latitudes Wiin-Nielsen, A.
| | Assimilation of special observations taken during the INDOEX and its impact on the global analysis-forecast system Das Gupta, M.; Basu, S.; Paliwal, R. K.; Mohanty, U. C.; Sam, N. V.
| | Non-linear trends and low frequency oscillations in annual precipitation over Argentina and Chile, 1931-1999 Minetti, J. L.; Vargas, W. M.; Poblete, A. G.; Acuña, L. R.; Casagrande, G.
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