Editorial López Herrera, Francisco; García Narváez, José Alberto
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Articles |
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| · Disclosure of information on organizational structural capital banks in Brazil and Spain Herrera Rodríguez, Edila Eudemia; Macagnan, Clea Beatriz
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| · Determinants of leverage in mining companies, empirical evidence for Latin American countries Paredes Gómez, Angélica; Ángeles Castro, Gerardo; Flores Ortega, Miguel
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| · Succession and its relationship with debt and performance in family business San Martín Reyna, Juan Manuel; Durán Encalada, Jorge Alberto
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| · Differences in motivators and values in the work of maquiladora industry employees Hernández Palomino, Jorge Arturo; Espinoza Medina, José de Jesús; Aguilar Arellano, Manuel
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| · Orientation of Córdoba-Argentina entrepreneurs to sustainability and corporate social responsibility: identification of variables associated with each construct Amato, Celina Noé; Buraschi, Mónica; Peretti, María Florencia
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| · The technology-based firm and its contribution to the Mexican economy in the period 2004-2009 Alarcón Osuna, Moisés Alejandro; Díaz Pérez, Claudia del Carmen
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| · Business intelligence: Strategy for competitiveness development in technology-based firms Ahumada Tello, Eduardo; Perusquia Velasco, Juan Manuel Alberto
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| · Application of continuous distribution functions to model passenger demand in a light rail train line Gómez Eguiarte Martínez, Alexei; Sánchez Guerrero, Gabriel de las Nieves
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| · Operational value at risk by bayesian networks for a financial firm Dávila Aragón, Griselda; Ortiz Arango, Francisco; Cruz Aranda, Fernando
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| · Estimating market risk metrics using gaussian mixtures Rosales Contreras, Jorge
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