Editorial López Herrera, Francisco
Complex stylized facts of the Mexican economy: a hirschmanian perspective (to attack the "fear of growing", more and better) Guerrero de Lizardi, Carlos
Microeconomic determinants of access to external financing of the capital structure of industrial companies Hernández Carmen, Guadalupe; Ríos Bolivar, Humberto; Garrido Noguera, Celso
Methodology for making investment decisions on stock portfolio by considering the multicriteria technique AHP Willmer Escobar, John
Spanish credit institutions: do efficiency and solvency support the first decisions on bank restructuring from a financial point of view 2008-2012? Marín Hernández, Salvador; Gras Gil, Ester; Anton Renart, Marcos
Adaptive market efficiency of agricultural commodity futures contracts Coronado Ramírez, Semei; Celso Arellano, Pedro Luis; Rojas, Omar
Opinion on financial statements for tax purposes: legal nature, evolution and inconsistencies Yáñez Rodríguez, Raúl Jorge; Ávila Mazzocco, Héctor Enrique
Quality of accounting information in family business: the influence of different levels of governance BM&FBovespa, size and independence of the board of directors Moura, Geovanne Dias de; Franz, Leandro; Cunha, Paulo Roberto da
Psychosomatic manifestations, commitment and burnout as cosequents from climate and organization culture: a path analysis Uribe Prado, Jesús Felipe; Patlán Pérez, Juana; García Saisó, Alejandra
New business performance: gender perspective Elizundia Cisneros, María Eugenia
Corporate governance and the audit committee as part of Corporate Social Responsibility Mancilla Rendón, María Enriqueta; Saavedra García, María Luisa