Original articles |
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| · The Origins of the “Historical Truth”. The First Reports on the Forced Disappearances of People in Mexico Gamiño Muñoz, Rodolfo
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| · Violence as a Mechanism of Conflict Resolution in Urban-Popular Environments Meneses Reyes, Marcela
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| · Juvenicide in Córdoba (Argentina) and Bio-resistance Strategies in Collective Youth Action Roldán, Macarena
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| · The Return of Young Transnationals. Migratory Experiencies and Identity Funds Montoya Zavala, Erika Cecilia; Herrera García, Martha Cecilia; Jiménez Díaz, Iliana Danitze
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| · Embryonic Migration Networks in the Migration between Mexico-United States (1920s) Alanís Enciso, Fernando Saúl
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| · Education as Laboratory: Francisco J. Múgica in Tabasco and Michoacán Chávez Jiménez, Daniar; Ramírez Sánchez, Rubén Darío
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Notes and debate |
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| · A Journey to the Written Origins of a Hermeneutist and Storyteller: Three Poems by Edmundo O'Gorman in Alcancía 1 (January 1933) García Niño, Arturo E.
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| · Truth and Justice for the Victims of Disappearance in Mexico. Background and Form Rosas Villicaña, Rosa María
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Reviews |
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| · Vida cotidiana y violencia durante la guerra de independencia. Guanajuato y Michoacán, 1810-1830. Por Iliria Olimpia Flores Carreño. México: Forum Cultural Guanajuato, 2018, 213 pp. Espinosa Aguirre, Joaquín Edgardo
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| · La sal y la plata. Trabajo y cultura en la construcción regional del México neoliberal. Por Inés Isabel Cortés Campos. México: Publicaciones de La Casa Chata, Ciesas, El Colegio de Michoacán, 2018, 308 pp. Uzeta, Jorge
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