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Thematic section |
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| · The materiality of the image: photographic mirages in the practice of Luis Barragán Díaz-Borioli, Leonardo
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| · In the hands of the photographer: the construction of representations of women and the personal feminine rostrum in 19th-century Mexican photography Bastarrica Mora, Beatriz
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| · Labors of ritualization and mythification in the crime sections of three newspapers in Veracruz seen through their images del Palacio Montiel, Celia
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Notes and debate |
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| · Opaque transparency: Between truth and representation in documental photojournalism imagery Gayol, Víctor
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Document |
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| · "Vindicias de la verdad" de fray Francisco Antonio de la Rosa Figueroa: Un tratado sobre políticas lingüísticas en la Nueva España (siglo XVIII) Téllez Nieto, Heréndira
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General section |
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| · Family gardens, cornfields and forests among the Maya: the ritual and ceremonial practices of families in X-Mejía, Hopelchén, Campeche Cahuich-Campos, Diana; Huicochea Gómez, Laura; Mariaca Méndez, Ramón
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| · The contribution of Spanish exiles to the Mexican literary historiography: The Revista Mexicana de Cultura as a space for canonical formation Olmedo, Iliana
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| · The tohono o'otham, a culture in extinction: racialization and identitary strategies Paz Frayre, Miguel Ángel
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| · The colonization of the coast of Jalisco: 1953-1959 Tello Díaz, Carlos
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| · Madams and brothels in La Verde Antequera, 1890-1912: the appropriation, defense and negotiation of "tolerated" sexual commerce Bailón Vásquez, Fabiola
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Reviews |
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| · Anales de Cuauhtitlan Martínez Baracs, Rodrigo
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| · La antropología de la migración: Niños y jóvenes migrantes en la globalización Juárez Cerdi, Elizabeth
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| · Imperio e información: Funciones del saber en el dominio colonial español Gaudin, Guillaume
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