Articles |
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| · Intellectuals and Poets in the Presocratic Age: Dialogue and Polemics Álvarez Salas, Omar
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| · Textual Variants in Greek Literature: some Examples of Compounds with δυσ- Santana Henríquez, Germán
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| · Aristotle's Homer: two Metaphors about Desire (ἐπιθυμία), Pleasure (ἠδονή) and Temperance (σωφροσύνη) in Ethics to Nicomachus II, 9 Araiza, Jesús
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| · The Arguments from the Sciences in the Peri ideōn González Várela, José Édgar
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| · The Stoic Theory of Sophisms Salles, Ricardo
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| · Scribo me ita dolere ut [...] a mente non deserar: Writing and rhetorical-pragmatical Strategies of Self-fashioning in Att., III, 15 Correa, Soledad
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| · Roma Aeterna: Literary Image Huerta Cabrera, Yazmín Victoria
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| · Three Greek Myths in the Prose of Gabriel García Márquez García Pérez, David
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Reviews and bibliographical notices |
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| · Speculum Coniugiorum / Espejo de Matrimonios: Matrimonio y familia Acevedo Roa, Lucila; Salinas Rojas, Elisa
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| · Las Leyes Pimentel Álvarez, Julio
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| · Teatro griego y tradición clásica (Supplementum II, Nova Tellus) Santana Henríquez, Germán
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| · The Epic of America: An Introduction to Rafael Landívar and the Rusticatio Mexicana Irigoyen Troconis, Martha Patricia
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| · Studi sul pensiero e sulla lingua di Empedocle Giombini, Stefania
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Announcements |
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| · La Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México a cien años de su fundación Vargas Valencia, Aurelia
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| · Socratica 2008 Rossetti, Livio
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| · Carlo Venturini, nuevo académico honorario de la Real Academia de Jurisprudencia y Legislación Irigoyen Troconis, Martha Patricia
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| · XI Symposium Platonicum (Tokyo, 2-7 Aug. 2010) Stavru, Alessandro
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| · El himno neolatino de Cabrera al bicentenario de Hidalgo Herrera Zapién, Tarsicio
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| · Publicación de la obra La Real Expedición Botánica a Nueva España Montemayor Aceves, Martha Elena
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| · Feliciano Serrao † (1922-2009) Venturini, Carlo
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