Editorial |
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| · Editorial Alcántara Santuario, Armando
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Clues |
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| · "Being from the interior" and studying in urban higher education. Resignification of identity in native and/or rural youth from Salta, Argentina Humberto Soriano, Gonzalo Víctor
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| · Gender violence and interventions within the school of the Merlí series Belén Mastandrea, Paula; Binimelis-Adell, Mar; Coll-Planas, Gerard; Morena-Balaguer, Diana; Cambra-Badii, Irene
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| · Precariedad laboral y desigualdad salarial entre profesores universitarios. El caso de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) Solares, Israel G.; Vera, Héctor
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| · Family leisure during lockdown. The particularities of families with a child/children with special educational needs (NEAE) Vila-Couñago, Esther; Gradaílle Pernas, Rita; Teijeiro Bóo, Yésica
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| · Enriquecer de rincón a rincón. Experiencia didáctica para niños con altas capacidades intelectuales en tercero de primaria Casino-García, Ana María; Llopis-Bueno, María José; Vaello-Margarit, María José; Llinares-Insa, Lucía Inmaculada
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| · Preschooler reasoning on physical phenomena Flores-Camacho, Fernando; Gallegos-Cázares, Leticia; Calderón-Canales, Elena
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| · Robotics as a means of learning. A case study Piñero Virué, Rocío; Rodríguez González, César Antonio; Reyes Rebollo, Miguel María; Fernández Batanero, José María
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| · Music as an educational resource when teaching history and heritage. Perceptions of future primary education teachers Hernández-de la Cruz, José Manuel; Martínez-Rodríguez, Marta; García-Ceballos, Silvia; Rivero Gracia, Pilar
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Horizons |
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| · Cinema in school. A historical approach to knowledge, institutions and phenomena opposed to the use of film in school Bácares Jara, Camilo
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| · Inclusion and ideology. Educational research presuppositions under examination Berbegal Vázquez, Alfredo; Arraiz Pérez, Ana; Sabirón Sierra, Fernando; Merino Orozco, Abel
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Documents |
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| · Condiciones institucionales y trabajo colaborativo entre docentes. Estudio exploratorio en educación básica y media superior. Informe ejecutivo
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Reviews |
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| · Fondos de conocimiento familiar e intervención educativa. Comprender las circunstancias sociohistóricas de los estudiantes Cernadas Ríos, Francisco Xabier
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| · Un libro sin recetas para la maestra y el maestro Cruz Beltrán, José Eduardo
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