Editorial |
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Clues |
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| · Exploring the importance of secondary education in high poverty conditions: A case study Muñoz Izquierdo, Carlos; Solórzano Gómez, Cristian
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| · Chile: An experimental field for University reform Esquivel Larrondo, Juan Eduardo
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| · Profiles ad origins of the conceptions of science shown by the mexican chemistry teachers Flores Camacho, Fernando; Gallegos Cázares, Leticia; Reyes Cárdenas, Flor
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Horizons |
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| · Cuban revolution and higher education Santos Gutiérrez, Sinesio C.; López Segrera, Francisco
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| · A self-reference instruction exercise at the university: The seminar-shop Pedagogy of Gestalt Mar Velasco, Patricia
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Documents |
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| · More teachers for more universities Peimbert Sierra, Manuel
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Reviews |
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| · Evaluación de la labor docente en el aula universitaria Mario Rueda Beltrán México, CESU-UNAM (Pensamiento Universitario, 100), 2006 Covarrubias Papahiu, Patricia
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| · ¿Educación para una ciudadania responsable y participativa? Inés De Castro (Coord.) México, CESU-UNAM/Plaza y Valdés, 2006, 236 pp. Cerutti Guldberg, Horacio
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