Articles |
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| · “Those People with Little Fear of God” The Letters of Censorship and Excommunion (New Spain, 17 th Century ) Mejía Chávez, Carlos G.
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| · Between Parishes, Missions and Conversion Territories: The Pastoral Visit of Francisco Aguiar y Seijas to Queretaro and Sierra Gorda (1685-1686) Bravo Rubio, Berenise
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| · The Effects of Resettlement and the Development of the Urban Plan on Mission Demographic Patterns Jackson, Robert H.
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| · “Not only in jacales”: Ways of Living in the Indian Communities of Mexico City (1790-1813) Quiroz, Enriqueta
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| · The Complexion of the Indians of New Spain: Composition, Nature, and Racialization in the Early Modern Period (16th-17th Centuries) Vera Castañeda, Julio
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| · “There are Two Heavens and Two Hells”: José Mariano de Ayala’s Lies and Social Criticism, 1757-1785 Espinoza Bacilio, Julieta
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| · The General Auditors of War in New Spain: The Dynamics of Military Justice during the Twilight of the Viceroyalty Martín Blázquez, Francisco Miguel
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Documentary |
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| · The Next Day: An Injunction Ruled by Hernán Cortés on the Booty of Tenochtitlan Rivero Hernández, Iván; Pastor Téllez, Daniela
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Reviews |
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| · David Andrés Fernández y Alejandro Vera, Los cantorales de la catedral de Lima: estudio, reconstrucción y catálogo Pérez Ruiz, Bárbara
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| · Joseph Carlos de Colmenares, Ordenanzas del Baratillo de México Terán, María Isabel
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| · Pedro Ángeles Jiménez, Andrés Calderón Fernández y Fernando Ciaramitaro, Biombos y castas. Pintura profana en la Nueva España Rubial García, Antonio
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| · Christina H. Lee y Ricardo Padrón, eds., The Spanish Pacific, 1521-1815. A Reader of Primary Sources Pinzón Ríos, Guadalupe
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| · Milena Viceconte, Gennaro Schiano y Domenico Cecere, eds., Heroes in Dark Times: Saints and Officials Tackling Disaster (16th-17th Centuries) Ángel Cruz, Eduardo
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