| Sumário Rev. mex. astron. astrofis vol.56 no.2 Ciudad de México Out. 2020 Artigos | | | | · γ Dor: A pulsating component of KIC 8043961 in a stellar triple system Kamil, C.; Dal, H. A.; Özdarcan, O.; Yoldaş, E.
| | | | · A search for pulsation in twenty-one white dwarfs Paunzen, E.; Handler, G.; Janík, J.; Zemanová, Z.; Rode-Paunzen, M.; O’Brien, M. S.; Watson, T. K.; Dróżdż, M.
| | | | · The influence of the mass distribution of stellar objects on their gravitational fields Stephanovich, Vladimir; Godłowski, Włodzimierz; Biernacka, Monika; Mrzygłód, Błażej
| | | | · Infrared transitions of diatomic molecules and the telluric lines Lozano-Gómez, Daniel; García-Varela, Alejandro; Sabogal, Beatriz
| | | | · First photometric investigation of two eclipsing binary systems CRTS J213033.6+213159 and 1SWASP J212454.61+203030.8 Martignoni, Massimiliano; Barani, Carlo; Acerbi, Francesco; Michel, Raúl
| | | | · The ADF and the t2 formalism in HII regions based on the upper mass limit of the IMF for the MW Carigi, L.; Peimbert, A.; Peimbert, M.; Delgado-Inglada, G.
| | | | · An astrometric and photometric study of the intermediate-age open cluster NGC 2158 and its eclipsing binary [NBN2015]78 Abdelaziz, A. E.; Hendy, Y. H. M.; Shokry, A.; Saad, S. M.; Kamal, F. Y.; Edris, K. A.
| | | | · Photometric study of three short period variable stars Peña, J. H.; Juárez, S. B.; Soni, A. A.; Huepa, H.; Rentería, A.; Zuñiga, A. L.
| | | | · Dynamics around an asteroid modeled as a mass tripole Santos, L. B. T.; Marchi, L. O.; Sousa-Silva, P. A.; Sanchez, D. M.; Aljbaae, S.; Prado, A. F. B. A.
| | | | · Analysis of a short periodic pulsator: SX phoenicis star XX Cyg Abdel-Sabour, Mohamed; Shokry, Ahmed; Ibrahim, Ahmed
| | | | · Thirteen years of weather statistics at San Pedro Mártir Observatory Plauchu-Frayn, I.; Colorado, E.; Richer, M. G.; Herrera-Vázquez, C.
| | | | · Four new γ Doradus variables in eclipsing binaries: revised pulsation period relations Özdarcan, O.; Çakirli, Ö.
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