| Tabla de contenido Rev. mex. astron. astrofis vol.48 no.2 Ciudad de México oct. 2012 The filamentary multi-polar planetary nebula NGC 5189 Sabin, L.; Vázquez, R.; López, J. A.; García-Díaz, Ma. T.; Ramos-Larios, G.
| | Speckle interferometry at the Observatorio Astronómico Nacional. IV Orlov, V. G.; Voitsekhovich, V. V.; Guerrero, C. A.
| | Chemical abundances of late-type spiral galaxies from the SDSS Hidalgo-Gámez, A. M.; Moranchel-Basurto, A.; González-Fajardo, A. F.
| | New analytic and quasi-analytic solutions for wind-driven compact HII regions Raga, A. C.; Cantó, J.; Rodríguez, L. F.
| | New Analytic Results for Poissonian and non-Poissonian Statistics of Cosmic Voids Zaninetti, L.
| | Discovery of New Faint Northern Galactic Planetary Nebulae Acker, Agnès; Boffin, Henri M. J.; Outters, Nicolas; Miszalski, Brent; Sabin, Laurence; Le Dû, Pascal; Alves, Filipe
| | The expansion of a stellar wind bubble within a non-singular, stratified core Rodríguez-Ramírez, J. C.; Raga, A. C.
| | Radio and Optical Observations of DG Tau B Rodríguez, Luis F.; Dzib, Sergio A.; Loinard, Laurent; Zapata, Luis A.; Raga, Alejandro C.; Cantó, Jorge; Riera, Angels
| | On the dynamics of the universe in D spatial dimensions Holanda, R. F. L.; Pereira, S. H.
| | The Spectroscopic orbits of HD 23052 and HD 90512 Scarfe, C. D.; Griffin, R. F.
| | Open slit echelle spectroscopy of planetary nebula M 1-9 Bohigas, J.
| | Evidence of Supermassive Black Holes in Narrow Emission Line Galaxies Torres-Papaqui, J. P.; Coziol, R.; Andernach, H.; Ortega-Minakata, R. A.; Neri-Larios, D. M.; Plauchu-Frayn, I.
| | The environmental dependence of the fraction of 'unconventional' galaxies: luminous late-types and faint early-types Deng, Xin-Fa; Yang, Bei; Luo, Cheng-Hong; Qian, Xiao-Xia; Ding, Ying-Ping
| | Strömgren uvby - β photoelectric photometry of the variable stars RU PSC, SS PSC and TU UMa Peña, J. H.; Figuera Jaimes, R.; Chow, M.; Peña Miller, R.; Álvarez, M.
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