| Sumário Rev. mex. astron. astrofis vol.46 no.2 Ciudad de México Out. 2010 The San Pedro Mártir Planetary Nebula Kinematic Catalogue: Extragalactic Planetary Nebulae Richer, M. G.; López, J. A.; Díaz-Méndez, E.; Riesgo, H.; Báez, S.-H.; García-Díaz, Ma.-T.; Meaburn, J.; Clark, D. M.; Calderón Olvera, R. M.; López Soto, G.; Toledano Rebolo, O
| | On the Size of the Non-Thermal Component in the Radio Emission from Cyg OB2 #5 Rodríguez, Luis F.; Gómez, Yolanda; Loinard, Laurent; Mioduszewski, Amy J
| | Echelle spectroscopy of the nuclei of the highly collimated bipolar planetary nebulae M 2-9 and M 1-91 Torres-Peimbert, S.; Arrieta, A.; Bautista, M
| | Speckle Interferometry at the Observatorio Astronómico Nacional. II Orlov, V. G.; Voitsekhovich, V. V.; Rivera, J. L.; Guerrero, C. A.; Ortiz, F
| | Compact radio sources in the vicinity of the ultracompact HII region G78.4+2.6 Neria, Citlali; Gómez, Yolanda; Rodríguez, Luis F
| | Orbital elements for eight binaries: Study of the nature of wide components. I Rica Romero, F.M
| | Spectral Variability of Romano's Star Maryeva, O.; Abolmasov, P
| | uvby - β photoelectric photometry of Cepheid stars Peña, J. H.; Arellano Ferro, A.; Peña-Miller, R.; Álvarez, M.; Rosas, Y.; García, H.; Muñoz, G.; Vargas, B.; Sareyan, J. P.; Guerrero, C. A.; Rentería, A
| | Hypercritical accretion onto a magnetized neutron star surface: a numerical approach Bernal, C. G.; Lee, W. H.; Page, Dany
| | The importance of nucleus rotation in determining the largest grains ejected from comets Molina, A
| | Functional relationships for Teff and log g in F-G supergiants from uvby - β photometry Arellano Ferro, A
| | Atomic species in the spectrum of the Hg-Mn star HD 53244 Maza, N. L.; Levato, H.; López-García, Z
| | Compact Radio Sources Apparently Associated with Extended Galactic Sources Trejo, Alfonso; Rodríguez, Luis F
| | On the Nature of the Non-Thermal Radio Source at the Center of the Orion Streamers Trejo, Alfonso; Rodríguez, Luis F
| | The Absolute Parameters for NSVS11868841 and the Oversized Stars in Low-Mass Eclipsing Binaries Çakirh, Ö.; Ibanoglu, C.; Dervisoglu, A
| | A reassessment of the kinematics of PV Cephei based on accurate proper motion measurements Loinard, L.; Rodríguez, L. F.; Gómez, L.; Cantó, J.; Raga, A. C.; Goodman, A. A.; Arce, H. G
| | CCD UBVRI Photometry of the Galactic open clusters: Be 89, Ru 135, and Be 10 Akkaya, Inci; Schuster, William J.; Michel, Raúl; Chavarría-K, Carlos; Moitinho, André; Vázquez, Roberto; Karatas, Yüksel
| | Star Image Shape Transformer for Astronomical Slit Spectroscopy Cardona, O.; Cornejo-Rodríguez, A.; García-Flores, P. C
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