Articles |
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| · Principles for an effective digital justice in Mexico, through the article 17 constitutional amendment Arley Orduña, Amada María
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| · Euthanasia and assisted suicide: a comparative law analysis Buriticá-Arango, Esteban; Agón-López, Juan Guillermo
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| · Animals, sentience and speciesism in the European supranational legal framework Donadoni, Paolo
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| · No…, yes…, rather, it depends. Chiaroscuros of positive actions in the European community jurisprudence in labor context Figueroa Bello, Aída
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| · The implementation of pillar III of the responsibility to protect in Venezuela Jiménez García, Hilda Adriana A
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| · The annulment appeal under article 478, literal b), of the Chilean employment code: review of the limitations, a diagnosis and a look at solutions Palomo V., Diego; Delgado C., Jordi; Contreras R., Cristián
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| · The theories of unforeseeability and of risk, and their application in international maritime freight transport contracts: state of the art in Peru Pejovés Macedo, José Antonio
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| · The simplified trust regime in the Mexican income tax law and its fight against informality Ríos Granados, Gabriela; Santos Flores, Israel
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| · Legal and economic factors to incorporate timeshare in the Peruvian legal system Rojas Ulloa, Milushka
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| · The special constitutional transcendence of shared custody in Spanish law through jurisprudence Ruiz-Rico Ruiz, Catalina
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| · Coincidences between corporate social responsibility and human rights. A review of the business response during the covid-19 crisis in Spain A. Sotelo-Torres, Claudio Renato
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| · Discovery in Colombia: Right to truth and justice for victims in criminal trial? Velandia Montes, Rafael; Gómez Jaramillo, Alejandro; Solarte Cuncanchón, Ana María
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