Articles |
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| · Areas of interest for the rural, economic, and social development Zidres law on foreign investment and social rights in Colombia Bocanegra Jiménez, María; Insignares Cera, Silvana; Giovannetti Lugo, Cecilia
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| · The intertwining of institutional violence and sexual difference: a reflection on the human rights of women in immigration detention Fernández de la Reguera Ahedo, Alethia
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| · Compensation schemes for health harm caused by medical error: comparative legal research and choice of path for the Russian Federation Kolesnichenko, Olga V.
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| · Access to medicines. The human right forhead pharmaceutical monopolies Lemus Maciel, Beatriz; Gómez Macfarland, Carla Angélica
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| · “Autonomous” evaluation agencies in Mexico ¿Autonomy or independence? López Rodríguez, Blanca
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| · The fiscal multilateralism in the 21st century Mendoza López, Doris Teresita
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| · Tell me where you publish and i'll tell you?: time, form and selection in Latin American legal magazines Meneses Reyes, Rodrigo; Garza Onofre, Juan Jesús
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| · Unfitness to stand trial and the social model of disability. Challenges and tension for Latin American criminal law Mercurio, Ezequiel
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| · The need for the declaration under oath or promise of honor of the defendant as a means of proof Ríos Patio, Gino Augusto Tomás; Espinoza Bonifaz, Augusto Renzo
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| · How should a democratic constituent process be regulated? Reflections from the chilean experience Negretto, Gabriel Leonardo; Soto Barrientos, Francisco
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| · Virtual general assemblies in Brazil and Portugal in times of pandemics: an approach beyond comparative positivism Souza, Leonardo de; Freita, Cinthia Obladen de Almendra; Meira, Deolinda
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