Articles |
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| · Contributions to the discussion regarding the regulation of lawyers Anzola Rodríguez, Sergio Iván; Martin del Campo Nuñez, Julieta
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| · Legal security in the colombian tax law Bolaños Bolaños, Lucía del Carmen
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| · Deconstructing to reconstruct: an analysis of autonomous constitutional agencies in Mexico Camarena González, Rodrigo; Guim Álfago, Mauricio Alejandro; Zorrilla Noriega, Ana María
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| · The intra-states pathways to comply with reparations orders in the inter-american court of human rights judgments. The imperious need of a specific and effective legal and institutional framework for the victims Carmona Tinoco, Jorge Ulises
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| · The future of the State of autonomies in Spain: blockage or reformulation? García Morales, María Jesús
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| · Recognition and protection of human rights: plurality and diversity in democratic society García Ramírez, Sergio
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| · The approval of the minimum vital income in Spain: a model for its eventual implementation in Mexico Latorre Rodríguez, Pablo; Sotelo Sánchez, Moisés
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| · Is the United States a tax haven? Moussali Cole, David
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| · Political-criminal trends with regard to human trafficking and its tipical consequences Moya Guillem, Clara
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| · Aportes de la jurisdicción de la corte interamericana en la realización del derecho a la educación en América Latina Santos, Celso de Oliveira; Niyama, Beatriz Mendes
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| · Impunity impact in Mexico thoughts from a genre perspective Pérez Duarte y Noroña, Alicia Elena
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| · The reserved portion and the disinheritance cause for family abandonment. Towards greater freedom to make wills? Rincón Andreu, Gerard
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