Articles |
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| · The constitutionalism of Mozambique and its constitution of 2004 Bacelar Gouveia, Jorge
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| · Liability for environmental damage; Chile-Costa Rica, a comparative analysis Costa Cordella, Ezio
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| · Intentional offenses under Common Law Díaz, Julio Alberto
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| · The legal status of international migrant workers in the inter-american human rights system García Juan, Laura; Caicedo Camacho, Dolly Natalia
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| · Fostering renewable energies in the fight against climate change through environmental certificates in the Mexican electric power sector Ibarra Sarlat, Rosalía
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| · The possibility for everyone to have access to adequate housing: an objective of constitutional value in French law Kurlat Aimar, José Sebastián
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| · The preventive control of legislation in a comparative perspective: the relationship between normative design and jurisprudential practice Meléndez Ávila, Felipe
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| · The denomination of origin product markets through fair trade. Perspectives and challenges Montenegro, Yamile Andrea; Cabrera Peña, Karen Isabel
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| · Analysis of a pedophilia case in terms of the ruling of the Supreme Court of Justice against the Colombian Catholic Church Olano García, Hernán Alejandro
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| · Child and adolescent asylum seekers in Mexico: a critique of the defects surrounding the procedure for recognizing refugee status Ortega Velázquez, Elisa
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| · Recent iusfundamental trends regarding the right of access to public information under Spanish law Palomares Herrera, Manuel
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Legislative studies |
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| · Los más relevantes problemas político-electorales en Brasil (el sistema proporcional) y la lucha contra la corrupción: del Mensalão a la operación “Lava-Jato” Figueiredo, Marcelo
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| · Reflexiones en torno a la reforma constitucional y legal en materia de combate a la corrupción en México Márquez, Daniel
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| · Informe: avance y retroceso de la seguridad social en México 2016 Mendizábal Bermúdez, Gabriela; Kurczyn Villalobos, Patricia
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| · Una aproximación pragmática a la capacidad contributiva de un asalariado de clase media. Estudio comparado entre México y España Irigoyen Basteris, Kenny
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| · Análisis crítico del Título Sexto sobre combate a la corrupción y buen gobierno de la Constitución Política de la Ciudad de México Sandoval Ballesteros, Irma Eréndira
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Reviews |
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| · Silva, Jorge Alberto, Manual para elaborar un libro de texto jurídico, México, Fontamara, 2017, 328 pp. Camarillo, Jesús Antonio
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| · Mora Donatto, Cecilia, Derechos y justicia para el campo mexicano, 3a. ed., México, Instituto Nacional de Estudios Históricos de las Revoluciones de México-Secretaría de Cultura-UNAM, Instituto de Investigaciones Jurídicas, 2016, 112 pp. García Ramírez, Sergio
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| · Alba Vega, Carlos, Lins Ribeiro, Gustavo y Mathews, Gordon, La globalización desde abajo, México, Fondo de Cultura Económica-Colegio de México, 2015. Hernández Ramírez, José Pablo
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| · Sánchez-Rodas Navarro, Cristina (dir.), 1492-2017: Un puente jurídico entre dos mundos, Valencia, Tirant lo Blanch, 2018, 344 pp. Villegas Delgado, César
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