Articles |
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| · Human Rights in the Legal System of Russia: Tradition and Modernization (Comparative Analysis) Abrámova, Marianna
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| · Flexibility and Inequality in Chile: Social Law in a Neoliberal Context Arellano O., Pablo; Gamonal C., Sergio
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| · Comparative Law in the Brazilian Constitutional Jurisdiction Horbach, Carlos Bastide
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| · Fascist Political Culture: Mussolini and Carl Schmitt Bueno, Roberto
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| · The Right to Life and International Criminal Law: is the Regulation Coherent? Dondé Matute, Javier
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| · Collective Bargaining and Extension of the Active Life of the Worker: Reflections from the Spanish and French Experience Elorza Guerrero, Fernando
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| · Legal Obstacles to International Investments in Venezuela and Anti-Corruption Policy Fach Gómez, Katia
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| · The Guarantees of Non-Repetition in the Inter-American Judicial Practice and its Potential Impact on the Creation of National Law Londoño Lázaro, María Carmelina; Hurtado, Mónica
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| · Foreign Same Sex Partnerships in the Venezuelan System of Private International Law Lugo Holmquist, Claudia; Rodríguez Reyes, Mirian
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| · Incorporation of International Tax Law to National Law; the Measures of the Action Plan OECD/G20 To Correct Asymmetries between Fiscal Legislations Mendoza López, Doris Teresita
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| · Enforcement Problems within the Framework of Online Dispute Resolution, Related to E-Commerce B2C Nava González, Wendolyne
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| · Ius Globale 3.0: Towards the Reformulation of Individual Legal Capacity Periñán Gómez, Bernardo
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| · Some Further Reflections on the Petroleum Fiscal System in México Ríos Granados, Gabriela
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| · The Contemporary Constitutionalism of Latin America. Brief Comparative Study Villabella Armengol, Carlos Manuel
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| · Human Rights: New Stage of Legal Research Witker, Jorge
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Legislative studies |
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| · Comentario crítico al proyecto de Constitución Política de la Ciudad de México presentado por el jefe de Gobierno Cárdenas Gracia, Jaime
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| · Tres ordenamientos del “nuevo sistema penal”. Mecanismos alternativos, ejecución de penas y justicia para adolescentes García Ramírez, Sergio
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Bibliography |
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| · Esquinca Muñoa, César, Carrera judicial. Antecedentes, realidades y prospectiva García Ramírez, Sergio
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| · Andrade, Eduardo, Constitución Política de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos comentada García Ramírez, Sergio
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| · Desdentado Daroca, Elena, El finiquito. Reconocimiento del pago, transacción o renuncia Lastra Lastra, José Manuel
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| · Rodríguez Escanciano, Susana, Poder de control empresarial, sistemas tecnológicos y derechos fundamentales de los trabajadores Lastra Lastra, José Manuel
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| · Eppur si muove: The Age of Uniform Law, Essays in Honour of Michael Joachim Bonell to Celebrate his 70th Birthday Veytia, Hernany
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