Articles |
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| · Associative Internal Desitions Constitutionally Protected in Mexico Anzures Gurría, José Juan
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| · The State and the Human Rights in the New Political Constitution of the Plurinational State of Bolivia Benente, Mauro
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| · Report about the Bolivian Referendum of 2016 Cárdenas Gracia, Jaime
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| · Environment, Constitution and Treaties in Chile Galdamez Zelada, Liliana
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| · Beps Action 2: Domestic Law Recommendations with Particular Reference to Spain Hermosín Álvarez, Montserrat
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| · Formal and Substantive Reception of International Human Rights Law: Comparative Experiences and Chilean Case Nash Rojas, Claudio; Núñez Donald, Constanza
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| · Intentional vs. Non-Intentional Harm. Tort Law Liability in Light of the Principle of Double Effect Orrego, Cristóbal; Ibáñez León, Arturo
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| · Comparative Legal Reasoning of International Legal Norms on Disability in Mexico and in Chile, Particularly the Jurisprudence Peña Neira, Sergio Ramiro
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| · Approach to the Issue of the Challenges to Advance in Access to Equality, Non-Discrimination and to a Life Free of Violence of Rural Women Under the Universal System of Human Rights Pérez Contreras, María de Montserrat; Macías Vázquez, Ma. Carmen
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| · Proxy Advisory Firms (on the Opportunity for an International Convention) Ramírez Reyes, Santiago
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| · Some Notes on Legal Prostitution in Chile Rivera Restrepo, José M.
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| · Human Trafficking in Argentina. Recent Implications of Prosecution and Victims Assistance Sommer, Christian G.
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| · Comparative Analysis of CJEU and North American Jurisprudence in the Area of the Validity of Jurisdiction Clauses in Online Consumer Contracts Velázquez Gardeta, Juan M.
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Legislative studies |
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| · La Suprema Corte de Justicia de la Nación y la imposición de medidas preliminares a los proveedores de servicios de Internet Garza Barbosa, Roberto
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| · Las más importantes novedades del nuevo Código Civil húngaro en la vida económica Szabados, Tamás; Tökey, Balázs
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Bibliography |
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| · Falguera Baró, Miquel Ángel, La externalización y sus límites. Reflexiones sobre la doctrina judicial y el marco normativo. Propuestas de regulación Lastra Lastra, José Manuel
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| · Gandía Sellens, María Aránzazu, El arbitraje frente a los litigios internacionales en materia de propiedad intelectual: la arbitrabilidad y la adopción de medidas cautelares Ordelin Font, Jorge Luis
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| · Mora Sifuentes, Francisco M., Democracia. Ensayos de filosofía política y jurídica Rivera León, Mauro Arturo
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