Articles |
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| · Principles of interpretation of fundamental rights in the light of chilean and international case law Aguilar Cavallo, Gonzalo
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| · Brazilian migration policy and its consequences for the states of UNASUR: a study from the treatment given by Brazil to the haitian case Annoni, Danielle; Lima Manzi, Maria Júlia
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| · Reception in the mexican legal practice of the ad hoc arbitration tribunals’ awards pursuant NAFTA, article 1904 Landeros, Cecilia
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| · The changes required by ibero-american legal clinics. Case study in six countries in the region Londoño Toro, Beatriz
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| · Human rights and constitutionals guarantees Ovalle Favela, José
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| · The education competencies in the field of law Sanromán Aranda, Roberto; Morales Vega, Luisa Gabriela
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| · International jurisdiction as a requirement for the recognition of foreign judgements, need for a new regulation in the latin american context Tellechea Bergman, Eduardo
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| · The legal basis for a latin american private ius commune: brief analysis of objections and legal materials Tito Añamuro, John Alberto
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| · The truth of the facts as conditio sine qua non for a just court decision in Michele Taruffo Ureña Carazo, Belén
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| · Freedom of expression and religion in the liberal culture from the christian morality to the post-secular fear Vázquez Alonso, Víctor J.
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Legislative studies |
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| · Ley general de los derechos de niñas, niños y adolescentes 2014 y su reglamento 2015 González Martín, Nuria; Miranda Delgado, María Elena; Ramírez Rayo, Daniela
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| · Veinte propuestas para fortalecer el federalismo argentino Hernández, Antonio María
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Bibliography |
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| · Adame López, Ángel Gilberto. Antología de académicos de la Facultad de Derecho García Ramírez, Sergio
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| · Guerrero, Omar. El abogado en el bufete, el foro y la administración pública García Ramírez, Sergio
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| · Steels, Emmanuelle. El teatro del engaño. Buscando a los Zodiaco, la banda de secuestradores que nunca existió Montero Bagatella, Juan Carlos
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| · Tole Martínez, Julián. Solución de controversias en los TLC. Aportes del derecho de la OMC Witker Velásquez, Jorge Alberto; Piña Mondragón, José Joaquín
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Information |
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| · Seminario sobre Fundamentos Constitucionales del Estado (Año II). 3A. Reunión ordinaria de 2015 Diálogo sobre la obra de Eugenio Bulygin. Los jueces ¿crean derecho? Ferreyra, Raúl Gustavo
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| · Versión escrita de la Conferencia pronunciada por el galardonado al recibir el premio internacional de investigación en Derecho “Héctor Fix-Zamudio” 2014. “El derecho comparado y la comparación de culturas jurídicas. Una perspectiva latinoamericana” Pérez-Perdomo, Rogelio
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