Articles |
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| · The Counter-Hegemonic Legal Tradition in Ecuador and Bolivia Baldin, Serena
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| · Weighing of Principles and Juridical Topic Berumen Campos, Arturo
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| · Mexico´s New Energy Legislation 2014 Cárdenas Gracia, Jaime
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| · Integrated Management Hydric Basin: Gualjaina River Basin, Chubut, Argentina Ferrer Alessi, Vicente; Torrero, Mariana P.
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| · The 2011 Mexican Constitutional Reform on Human Rights from the International Law Perspective García Castillo, Tonatiuh
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| · Social Security and the Challenges Posed by Climate Change Mendizábal Bermúdez, Gabriela
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| · The People vs. the United Nations: How Can Individuals Claim their Rights at the UN? Niedrist, Gerhard; Figueroa Bello, Aída
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| · Re-emergence of Limiting Agreements in the International Contracts: A Developed Regime for American and European Systems Ruiz Sutil, Carmen
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| · The Current Legal Framework of the Limits to Copyright for Libraries: Reasons for their Inadequacy to the Digital Environment and Legislative Reform Proposal Serrano Fernández, María
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Legislative studies |
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| · Reforma constitucional y control de constitucionalidad Hernández Valle, Rubén
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Bibliography |
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| · Derechos económicos, sociales y culturales: Cómo se protegen en América Latina y en Europa Herrera García, Alfonso
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| · La Suprema Corte de Justicia en México: ¿Cuándo vota contra el presidente? Hernández Montes de Oca, Ricardo
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| · Estudios sobre lex mercatoria: Una realidad internacional Giménez Corte, Cristián
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Information |
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| · Homenaje de la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos al juez Héctor Fix-Zamudio con motivo de sus 90 años de vida Ferrer Mac-Gregor, Eduardo
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