Articles |
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| · The Underdetermination of Natural Law: Notes about the Classical Theory of the Determination of Natural Just Contreras, Sebastián
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| · Mediation in Cases of International Child Abduction by One of the Parents and Voluntary Cross-Border Agreements: The Mexican Case González Martín, Nuria
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| · The Notarial Requisite and his Answer Like Executive Title of Credit: The Out-Of-Court Confession of Debt Labañino Barrera, Maidolis; Fernández Martell, José Karel; Marcheco Rey, Blanca Nieves
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| · Decolonizing Property Rights: Indigenous Communal Rights and the Private Property Paradigm Merino Acuña, Roger
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| · Supreme Law and Human Rights in Mexico Ortega García, Ramón
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| · The General Principles of the United Nations Convention for the International Sale of Goods Oviedo Albán, Jorge
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| · Foundations on Global & Comparative Law: Kind of Common Order in the Globalization? Sánchez-Bayón, Antonio
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| · Balance and Perspectives of the Criminal Constitutional Reform in Mexico, Five Years After its Enactment Sánchez Vázquez, Rafael
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| · Religious Marriage Acknowledgment Celebrated Abroad (Mexican Perspective) Silva, Jorge Alberto
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| · The Patrimonial Responsability of the Legislator in the Law of Spain de la Tejera Hernández, Evangelina Verónica; Herrera Molina, Pedro Manuel
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Legislative studies |
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| · Comentario sobre el Código Nacional de Procedimientos Penales de 2014 García Ramírez, Sergio
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Bibliography |
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| · Justicia de paz y alternativa Ortuño Navalón, Carmen
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| · El control de convencionalidad García Jaramillo, Leonardo
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| · La reforma constitucional sobre derechos humanos: Una guía conceptual Méndez-Silva, Ricardo
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| · La 'Constitución' marroquí de 2011: Análisis crítico Blanco Souto, Yolanda
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Information |
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| · Discurso de toma de posesión de Alfonso Pérez-Cuéllar Martínez a la Presidencia del Ilustre y Nacional Colegio de Abogados de México, A.C. para el periodo 2014-2016
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