Articles |
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| · A Critical Approach Between Constitutional and International Law Agudo Zamora, Miguel; Vázquez Gómez, Eva María
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| · The Protection of the Athlete's Fundamental Rights in the Fight Against Doping in Sport: A Review of the Current Situation in the Spanish Legislation Atienza Macías, Elena
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| · The Principle of Mutual Recognition of Judicial Decisions in EU Law in the Light of the "Full Faith and Credit" Clause of the US Constitution Kühn Baca, Werner Miguel
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| · Sale and Organ Donation in Argentina's Law Ablation and Implant: Some Bioethical Issues Mocoroa, Juan Manuel
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| · The Authorized Officer's Capacity to Reinstate Police Force Members Following a Weighted Assessment Pelayo Torres, María Candelaria; Loaiza Martínez, Alberto
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| · Healthcare for the Elderly: Between the Budget Constraints and the Right to an Existential Minimum Perlingeiro, Ricardo
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| · Freedom of Speech and Homophobic Language in Mexico: is the Supreme Court's Constitutional Theory Correct? Pou Giménez, Francisca
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| · Interpretation of International Rules Under the Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade (WTO) Rodríguez Santibáñez, Iliana
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| · Control of Decisions' Foundation in the Strasbourg Court Salinas Mendoza, Diego
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Legislative studies |
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| · Ley de la Inversión Extranjera: ¿Instrumento para el desarrollo económico? Herrera Izaguirre, Juan; Vázquez Rangel, Carlos Francisco; Escobedo Carreón, Ramiro Aurelio
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| · La improcedencia en el juicio de amparo mexicano contraviene la Constitución y la Convención Americana sobre Derechos Humanos Navarrete Ramos, María Antonieta
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| · Breves consideraciones jurídicas en torno a la reciente Ley española de 19/2013, 9 de diciembre, de Transparencia, Acceso a la Información Pública y Buen Gobierno Ruiz-Rico Ruiz, Catalina
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Bibliography |
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| · Impacto de las sentencias de la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos Méndez Silva, Ricardo
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| · Derecho privado en México: Las relaciones de tráfico jurídico interestatal González Martín, Nuria
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Information |
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| · Informe anual de labores del Instituto de Investigaciones Jurídicas de la UNAM (de septiembre de 2012 a agosto de 2013) Fix-Fierro, Héctor
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| · Palabras en recuerdo de Jorge Carpizo a un año de distancia Astudillo, César
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