Articles |
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| · The Urban Development Jurisdiction and the Metropolitan Planning at the Spanish Autonomous State and at the Brazilian Federalism de Araujo Junior, Miguel Etinger
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| · Protection of Indigenous Genetic Resources in the Inter-American and Universal System of Human Rights Bernal Camargo, Diana Rocío
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| · Conventionality Control and its Relationship with the Mexican Constitutional System: Towards a Simple Protective Activity of Human Rights Carpizo, Enrique
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| · Building a Democracy respectful of Human Rights: Reflections from the Constitutional Model adopted by East Timor Etcheverry, Juan B.
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| · Social Justice and Globalization Monetarist Lastra Lastra, José Manuel
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| · Marriage Dignity in the Twenty First Century: Love as Paradigm Magallón Gómez, María Antonieta
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| · Standing in Collective Actions Ovalle Favela, José
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| · Toward a Model of Attention of Disability-Based Human Rights Victoria Maldonado, Jorge A.
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| · The Intelligility Conditions of Constitutional Practices: An Approach from the Case of Abortion Zambrano, Pilar
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Legislative studies |
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| · El entorno familiar y los derechos de las niñas, los niños y los adolescentes: una aproximación Pérez Contreras, María de Montserrat
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| · Comentario a la propuesta de reforma constitucional en materia de transparencia aprobada en 2012 por el Senado Salazar Rebolledo, Grisel
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Bibliography |
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| · Sistema de derecho comparado y global: de las familias jurídicas mundiales al nuevo derecho común Alcaide-Pulido, Purificación
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| · Regulating Corporate Human Violations: Humanizing Business Cantú Rivera, Humberto Fernando
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| · Uniones transfronterizas entre personas del mismo sexo González Martín, Nuria
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| · El outsourcing: Visión iberoamericana Lastra Lastra, José Manuel
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| · ¿Para qué sirve un sindicato? Lastra Lastra, José Manuel
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| · Mexico and the Law of the Sea, Contributions and Compromises Méndez Silva, Ricardo
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| · Teorías del sistema jurídico Saldaña, Javier
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| · El acceso de las víctimas a la justicia de la Corte Penal Internacional Sánchez Gil, Rubén
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Information |
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| · Ingresa el doctor Óscar Cruz Barney como miembro honorario a la Real Academia de Jurisprudencia y Legislación de Madrid Quijano Baz, Javier
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