Articles |
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| · Self-regulation and Consumer Protection Aguilar Ruiz, Leonor
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| · Crossing Borders in the Classroom: A Comparative Law Experiment in Family Law Atwood, Barbara; Jasa Silveira, Graciela; Laviolette, Nicole; Oldham, Tom
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| · Massacre of Caloto: A Case Study on the Rights and the Indigenous Mobilization in the Inter-american System of Human Rights Cajas Sarria, Mario
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| · Reflections on the Right to Identity of Girls, Boys and Adolescents in Mexico González Contró, Mónica
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| · International, Regional and South American Legal Analysis of the Fire Policy Managment in the Ecosystems Noseda, Paula
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| · Place of Arbitration and "De-localization" of International Commercial Arbitration Palao Moreno, Guillermo
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| · Legal Recognition of Homosexual Unions: A View of Comparative Law in Latin America Rodríguez Martínez, Elí
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| · Artificial Feeding of People with Strong Dependency Status (Persistent Vegetative State): Note on American Legal Debate Serrano Ruiz-Calderón, José Miguel
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| · The Mexican Presidential System: Present and Perspectives Valadés, Diego
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| · Progress and Setbacks of Justice for Adolescents in Mexico to Four Years of its Establishment Vasconcelos Méndez, Rubén
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| · The American Way: Latin American Lawyers as Graduate Students in the United States Vides, Marta; Gómez, Manuel; Pérez Hurtado, Luis Fernando
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Legislative studies |
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| · Reforma constitucional en materia de derechos humanos Martínez Bullé-Goyri, Víctor M.
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Bibliography |
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| · El despido o la violencia del poder privado Lastra Lastra, José Manuel
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| · El caso Castañeda ante la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos. La primera sentencia internacional condenatoria en contra del Estado mexicano Piedras Encino, David
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| · Recepción nacional del derecho internacional de los derechos humanos y admisión de la competencia contenciosa de la Corte Interamericana González Placencia, Luis; Morales Sánchez, Julieta
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| · Comercio internacional, régimen jurídico económico Silva, Jorge Alberto
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| · Manual para la calificación de hechos violatorios de derechos humanos Alcaraz Mondragón, Eduardo
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Information |
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| · Discurso del doctor Óscar Cruz Barney en la cena de gala conmemorativa de los 250 años de fundación del Ilustre y Nacional Colegio de Abogados de México, y firma del convenio de hermanamiento con el Real e Ilustre Colegio de Abogados de Zaragoza, el más antiguo de España
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